Missing extra outputs from macerators below HV
kjukmar2 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
GregTech CEu Version
Recipe Viewer Installed
Cross-Mod Interaction
Expected Behavior
The extra outputs appear, just as the recipe says they would, whe using any macerator.
Actual Behavior
Extra outputs appear only when using an HV or above macerator, therefore invalidating early-game macerators.
Steps to Reproduce
Just try and use any low-tier macerator.
Additional Information
I have learnt that this is by design, but i still can't comprehend why anyone should invalidate the early-game macerators. And with more processed ore, washed copper ore for instance; this ore doesn't yield any byproducts like gold of cobalt when using the steam-low-med voltage machines. Like, why bother with macerators at all when one can just smelt the ore? I'd be infinitely grateful if someone shared the location of some kind of config file in using which this oversight could be fixed, if such thing exists, of course.