GregTechCEu Modern

GregTechCEu Modern


Pipe Transfer rate And Steam Boiler tooltips Bug

yaohuomhuom opened this issue · 2 comments


Checked for existing issues

  • I have checked for existing issues, and have found none.

Tested latest version

  • I have checked that this occurs on the latest version.

GregTech CEu Version


Recipe Viewer Installed

No Recipe Viewer



Cross-Mod Interaction


Other Installed Mods

No Other Mod

Expected Behavior

Tiny Bronze Fluid Pipe in toolip say 20mB/t Transfer rate;
And HP Steam Liquid Boiler toolip say 30L/t steam produces(is 1L == 10mb in minecraft????);

Actual Behavior

Tiny Bronze Fluid Pipe in game transfer 200mB/t;
And HP Steam Liquid Boiler in game produces 300mb/t;

Steps to Reproduce

just use HP Steam Liquid Boiler start produces steam and use Tiny Bronze Fluid Pipe transfer to the Drum,see the steam amount in gui。

Additional Information

bronze pipe transfer rate set here

but i see something like this,maybe this is why 20mb/t to 200mb/t ???

final double maxAmount = Math.min(getCapacityPerTank() / 2, fluid.getAmount());

about HP Steam Liquid Boiler ,maybe just change the tooltips,in code it really just 300mb/t

long fillAmount = (long) (getBaseSteamOutput() * (currentTemperature / (getMaxTemperature() * 1.0)) / 2);


1L is 1mb

I'm not sure if it applies to the single block boilers, but I believe the large boilers output the amount in the tooltip on average but only actually generate steam every 5 ticks.

If these are actually generating the higher amount per tick that is another contributor to boiler balance being so wonky.


1L is 1mb

I'm not sure if it applies to the single block boilers, but I believe the large boilers output the amount in the tooltip on average but only actually generate steam every 5 ticks.

If these are actually generating the higher amount per tick that is another contributor to boiler balance being so wonky.

i recheck the game and find the gui update in 0.5s so call 10tick ,so 30L/t = 30mb/t =300mb/10t ,20mb/t = 200mb/10t,tooltip is right。