- 3
Missing Macerator/Arc Furnace breakdown recipes for some machines
#256 opened by loving2 - 1
Missing liquids' textures
#255 opened by GoodGameInfinity - 0
More consistent button sizes
#254 opened by mikerooni - 0
[API Suggest] Set Block Loot Table Type to "block"
#252 opened by Phoupraw - 2
To Do In Game Compass Guide
#248 opened by Drackion - 6
[Crash] Couldn't find registry entry for ResourceKey[minecraft:worldgen/placed_feature / gtceu:rubber_tree]
#247 opened by Phoupraw - 1
#243 opened by Rosethorns - 2
[1.0.9][1.19.2] "GregTech (gtceu) has failed to load correctly"
#241 opened by Rosethorns - 0
Coke Oven outputing input slot content into coke oven hatch attached chest
#239 opened by Praetorian6478 - 2
Can not work on server
#238 opened by windy664 - 0
Add fluid chemical formula like in 1.12.2
#237 opened by ccpemily - 3
Rubber Trees do not naturally generate [1.19.2 Forge]
#234 opened by Burchard36 - 4
Furnaces duplicating items & only processing a single recipe
#233 opened by mikerooni - 0
Bolt plate name issue.
#232 opened by 34486 - 6
GregTech CEu crash because of Optifine
#231 opened by Praetorian6478 - 4
Energy converter not working
#230 opened by Migmag789 - 0
The tooltip of Wire and Cable be changed according to the multiplier
#229 opened by UraraChiya - 0
Cannot craft any buzzsaw blade
#227 opened by loving2 - 6
Example Structuring
#226 opened by stanieldev - 2
Game crashing on world loading Fabric 1.20.1 v1.0.9
#225 opened by GoodGameInfinity - 2
Error coil temperature string formating in Chinese
#224 opened by ChenHaoYan1234 - 1
Incompatible with Continuity
#222 opened by Paper-wand - 0
Wood recipes don't change after changing the config parameter
#219 opened by GoodGameInfinity - 1
Item Tag Filter does not work.
#218 opened by UraraChiya - 0
The items in the Tungsten Steel Craate will disappear after re-entering the game
#217 opened by UraraChiya - 1
Miss some recipes
#216 opened by UraraChiya - 0
Distinct Buses works not well in Processing Array
#215 opened by UraraChiya - 2
Combining 2 of the same greg tools will use 1 durability from both tools and net you a new tool
#213 opened by PilpohMC - 2
Cable auto-connect system is "wired" backwards. UPDATE: Im a complete idiot and I misunderstood cables
#212 opened by MidlifeHemi88 - 0
Large Miners have an incorrect held model
#211 opened by Fuyukai - 7
[Bug] Wrong Products Count of Smelting Raw Cassiterite Sand
#210 opened by Phoupraw - 2
[Crash] Generating Chunks
#209 opened by Phoupraw - 5
Extreme FPS drop in-world
#207 opened by stanieldev - 0
Absence of GT's different types of stone
#203 opened by ecraig87 - 0
GT Tools do not function properly
#202 opened by ecraig87 - 0
No GT ore generation in 1.20.1
#201 opened by ecraig87 - 2
Showing usages of multiblock controllers shows all multiblocks in the Multiblock Info
#200 opened by Fuyukai - 1
Crash when Entering World
#194 opened by Phoupraw - 1
QoL updates around voltage levels in the recipe viewers
#191 opened by NeveHanter - 3
Unable to wash impure dusts/crushed ores in the cauldron
#190 opened by NeveHanter - 0
Creosote bucket cannot be used as 32 item fuel
#189 opened by NeveHanter - 1
Small dust recipes are the same as tiny dust ones
#188 opened by NeveHanter - 0
Mold/extruder shape recipes are a mess
#187 opened by NeveHanter - 4
Crash on world startup
#181 opened by tecoman525 - 6
Missing Textures
#180 opened by Drackion - 2
Tooltips rendering behind EMI buttons and other recipes
#177 opened by Abbie5 - 3
The GT recipe is not shown in the JEI
#173 opened by 08118651 - 3
Crash When try to search item
#171 opened by pen787 - 1
Addition of a few more tabs
#166 opened by stanieldev - 0
Crash when setting ``generateLowQualityGems`` to False in config
#163 opened by Fuyukai