Grimoire of Gaia

Grimoire of Gaia


Dryads AI causing server crash

kara2810 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


General Info

  • [ x] I am running a modpack
  • I can reproduce this issue consistently
    • In single player
    • In multiplayer
  • I have searched for this issue previously and it was either (1) not previously reported, or (2) previously fixed and I'm having the same problem.
  • I am crashing and can provide my crash report(s)
  • I am using the latest version of the mod

Client Info

  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2

  • Forge Version:

  • Mod Version: 1.6.0 - Beta 5

  • Java Version: 8 Update 181

Issue Description

The server crashes due to a java null pointer exception in the Dryad's AI. I suspect it might be a corrupted Dryad but can't verify it without crashing the server.

Reproduce Steps

Load up server.
Wait a while until a Dryad spawns.
The server will keep crashing repeatedly.

(Sorry I can't be more help on this, the Dryad in question couldn't be located without crashing the server each time)

Additional Information

Crash Report:

Also important to note I tried a temporary fix by setting their spawn rate to 0 in the config. It did not work, as they kept spawning. When I tried using the kill command they would not outright die, instead only lose a portion of HP.


I am not quite sure what is causing this issue. It could be a mod conflict, or the mod itself. I am unfamiliar with handling server issues.

From what I have researched so far you have a ticking entity issue which usually happens to dedicated servers. It can be resolved using the NBTExplorer program to remove the entity from the world if you cannot reach it yourself.

If you want to kill them using the /kill command you need to set the Base Damage Cap (in the config) to 1.


Ok thank you for the heads up! Will try your suggestions :)