Grind Enchantments

Grind Enchantments


Not seeing enchantment cost

Vincentdilst opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I just started using the mod server side but I just can't figure out how to get the cost visible in the grinder. I already turned on the code "alternative_cost_display_enabled" to true but still nothing happens...

This is the file:

  "filter": {
    "enabled": true,
    "item": {
      "enchantments": [],
      "action": "deny"
    "enchantment": {
      "enchantments": [],
      "action": "ignore"
    "cursed_enchantments": "ignore"
  "dedicated_server_options": {
    "alternative_cost_display_enabled": true
  "client_options": {
    "show_enchantment_cost": true
  "disenchant_to_book": {
    "enabled": true,
    "consume_enchanted_item": false,
    "cost_function": {
      "function": {
        "function": {
          "type": "grindenchantments:count_min_power"
        "factor": 0.3,
        "offset": 8.0,
        "type": "grindenchantments:transform"
      "type": "grindenchantments:filter"
  "move_enchantments": {
    "enabled": true,
    "cost_function": {
      "function": {
        "function": {
          "function": {
            "normal_factor": 3.0,
            "treasure_factor": 8.0,
            "type": "grindenchantments:count_levels"
          "factor": 0.5,
          "offset": 0.5,
          "type": "grindenchantments:transform"
        "type": "grindenchantments:first_enchantment"
      "type": "grindenchantments:filter"
  "reset_repair_cost": {
    "enabled": false,
    "catalyst_items": "minecraft:diamond",
    "requires_enchantment": true,
    "cost_function": {
      "function": {
        "function": {
          "normal_factor": 1.0,
          "treasure_factor": 4.0,
          "type": "grindenchantments:count_levels"
        "type": "grindenchantments:average_count"
      "factor": 1.5,
      "offset": 4.0,
      "type": "grindenchantments:transform"
  "version": 3

Sorry, this feature is currently unimplemented (I believe it was the 1.21 update I had to remove it for, but it could've been 1.20.6 as well).


Ohhh okay. Will it come back by any chance?


I hope that it can return, though the way it worked previously was also not that great.
I'll have to find a good way to do it.