Adding Growthcraft to a modpack, here's the modlist
blutec-dev opened this issue · 1 comments
Dear Growthcraft CE Team, as requested, here is the modlist for a modpack that I am planning to make public (on Curseforge):
Mod | Author/owner |
A Block of Charcoal | Turkey2349 |
Actually Additions | Ellpeck |
Advancement Book | ParkerMc01 |
Akashic Tome | Vazkii |
Animania | Purplicious_Cow |
Antique Atlas | Hunternif |
Apathetic Mobs | whizzball |
AppleCore | squeek502 |
Aquaculture 2 | Shadowclaimer |
Aroma1997Core | Aroma1997 |
Aroma1997s Dimensional World | Aroma1997 |
AromaBackup | Aroma1997 |
Atlas Extras | Rikshy |
Auto Third Person | quat1024 |
AutoPlant | Lemonszz |
AutoRegLib | Vazkii |
Backpacks | Eydamos |
Bark Books | oneandonlyflexo |
BasketCase | TheDaeruin |
Baubles | Azanor13 |
Bed Patch | Mordenkainen3141 |
Better Advancements | way2muchnoise |
Better Animals Plus | cybercat5555 |
Better Diving | meldexun |
Better Foliage | octarine_noise |
Better Placement | tterrag1098 |
BetterFps | Guichaguri |
BiblioCraft | Nuchaz |
Biome Bundle | mc_pitman |
Biome Staff | TheRealp455w0rd |
Birds Nests | cleverpanda714 |
Bonsai Trees 2 | davenonymous |
Bookshelf | DarkhaxDev |
Bookworm | SoggyStache |
Botania | Vazkii |
Bring Me The Rings! | zabi94 |
Camera Mod | henkelmax |
Camera Obscura | RazzleberryFox |
Carry On | Tschipp |
Chameleon | Texelsaur |
Charm | svenhjol |
Chest Transporter | cubex2 |
Chicken Chunks 1.8.+ | covers1624 |
Chisel | tterrag1098 |
Chunk Animator | Lumien231 |
Clarity | EpicSquid319 |
Client Tweaks | BlayTheNinth |
Clumps | Jaredlll08 |
CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ | covers1624 |
CoFH Core | TeamCoFH |
CoFH World | TeamCoFH |
Comforts | TheIllusiveC4 |
Compact Drawers | samtrion |
ConnectedTexturesMod | tterrag1098 |
Controllable | MrCrayfish |
Controlled Burn | laike_endaril |
Controlling | Jaredlll08 |
Cooking for Blockheads | BlayTheNinth |
Corail Recycler | Corail_31 |
CoralReef | primetoxinz |
Cosmetic Armor Reworked | LainMI |
CraftingCraft | BlayTheNinth |
CraftingNetherStar | zeck_g |
CraftStudio API | ZeAmateis |
CraftTweaker | Jaredlll08 |
CTD Core | TheMasterGeneral |
Dawn Of Time - Builder Edition | dawnoftime_team |
Death Compass | vadis365 |
Decocraft | RazzleberryFox |
Display | Martacus |
Dooglamoo Jr. Archaeology | Dooglamoo |
Dooglamoo Painter Mod | Dooglamoo |
Double Slabs | CJMinecraft01 |
Dynamic Lights | atomicstrykergrumpy |
Dynamic Surroundings | OreCruncher |
Dynamic Surroundings: HUDs | OreCruncher |
Earthworks | Alsender_ |
Enchantment Descriptions | DarkhaxDev |
Ender IO Base | HenryLoenwind |
Ender IO Conduits | HenryLoenwind |
Ender IO Machines | HenryLoenwind |
Ender IO RS Conduits | HenryLoenwind |
Ender IO TiC | HenryLoenwind |
Ender Storage 1.8.+ | covers1624 |
EnderCore | tterrag1098 |
Engineer's Decor | wilechaote |
Engineer's Doors | nihiltres |
Exotic Birds | ThePavoReality |
Extra Utilities | RWTema |
Facade Painter | MCLathanael |
Fairy Lights | pau101 |
Familiar Fauna | Forstride |
Farming for Blockheads | BlayTheNinth |
Farseek | delvr |
Fast Leaf Decay | olafskiii |
Faster Ladder Climbing | maddachshund |
FastFurnace | Shadows_of_Fire |
FastWorkbench | Shadows_of_Fire |
Fence Jumper | TheRealp455w0rd |
Ferdinand's Flowers | c0_0ry |
FindMe | Buuz135 |
FoamFix | asiekierka |
Friendly Fire | DarkhaxDev |
FTB Library | LatvianModder |
Fullscreen Windowed (Borderless) for Minecraft | hancin |
Future Versions | TipTopGamingOfficial |
Garden Stuff | Texelsaur |
Gas Conduits | pupnewfster |
Gauges and Switches | wilechaote |
Growthcraft Community Edition | Alatyami |
Guidebook | gigaherz |
Hat Stand | ohaiiChun |
Hats | ohaiiChun |
Hopper Ducts | FyberOptic |
Hunger In Peace | squeek502 |
Hunger Overhaul | ProgWML6 |
Hunting Dimension | DarkhaxDev |
iChunUtil | ohaiiChun |
Immersive Engineering | BluSunrize |
Immersive Petroleum | Flaxbeard |
Immersive Posts | TwistedGate |
Immersive Technology | tgstyle0 |
Inspirations | KnightMiner |
InstantUnify | KidsDontPlay |
Interaction Wheel | McJty |
Inventory Sorter | cpw |
Inventory Tweaks | JimeoWan |
Iron Chests | ProgWML6 |
ItemZoom | mezz |
IvToolkit | Ivorforce |
JEI Integration | SnowShock35 |
JEI Villagers | Buuz135 |
JourneyMap | techbrew |
Just a Few Fish | Tmtravlr |
Just A Raft Mod | Mrbysco |
Just Enough BrewCraft (JEBC) | mrAppleXZ |
Just Enough Calculation | towdium |
Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC) | mrAppleXZ |
Just Enough Items (JEI) | mezz |
Just Enough Pattern Banners | Lorexe |
Just Enough Petroleum | BordListian |
Keyboard Wizard | mrnerdy42 |
KleeSlabs | BlayTheNinth |
Lapis Stays in the Enchanting Table | csb987 |
Linking Through the Ages (LTTA) | IAmTheFloydman |
linking-tweaks | Veovis_Muaddib |
LLibrary | _ForgeUser11902522 |
MalisisBlocks | Ordinastie |
MalisisCore | Ordinastie |
MalisisDoors | Ordinastie |
MalisisSwitches | Ordinastie |
Mantle | mDiyo |
McJtyLib | McJty |
Mekanism | bradyaidanc |
Mekanism Generators | bradyaidanc |
Mekanism Tools | bradyaidanc |
MekanismOres | phantamanta44 |
MineMenu | Girafi |
Mo' Glowstone | TheMasterGeneral |
Moar Boats | jglrxavpok |
Mod Name Tooltip | mezz |
ModTweaker | Jaredlll08 |
More Cauldrons | Mrbysco |
More Mystcraft | IAmTheFloydman |
Morph-o-Tool | Vazkii |
Mouse Tweaks | YaLTeR |
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod | MrCrayfish |
MTLib | Jaredlll08 |
Mystcraft | XCompWiz |
mystcraft-info | Veovis_Muaddib |
Mystical Wildlife | Lykrast |
Mystical World | EpicSquid319 |
MysticalLib | EpicSquid319 |
Nature's Compass | Chaosyr |
Nibbler | oneandonlyflexo |
NoFov | Lumien231 |
Nomadic Tents | skyjay1 |
Not Enough Pets | AstroTibs |
NotEnoughIDs | fewizz_ |
Ocean Floor - Clay Sand and Dirt | Lothrazar |
Oops! - Undo | darkevilmac |
Open Terrain Generator (OpenTerrainGenerator / OTG) | team_otg |
OpenBlocks | OpenMods |
OpenEye | OpenMods |
OpenModsLib | OpenMods |
Ore Control | masady |
OreLib | OreCruncher |
Outfox | ItsTheKais |
Pages | IAmTheFloydman |
Paintings ++ | AbsolemJackdaw |
Pam's BrewCraft | pamharvestcraft |
Pam's HarvestCraft | pamharvestcraft |
Patchouli | Vazkii |
Photoptics | jriwanek |
PizzaCraft | tiviacz1337 |
Placebo | Shadows_of_Fire |
Plants | Shadows_of_Fire |
Potion Fingers | Vazkii |
PTRLib | RazzleberryFox |
Quark | Vazkii |
Quark Oddities | Vazkii |
Random Things | Lumien231 |
Recurrent Complex | Ivorforce |
Redstone Flux | TeamCoFH |
Refined Storage | raoulvdberge |
Refined Storage Addons | raoulvdberge |
RFTools | McJty |
Roots | EpicSquid319 |
Rustic | mangoose3039 |
Save My Stronghold! | YUNGNICKYOUNG |
Scannable | Sangar_ |
Shadowfacts' Forgelin | ShadowfactsDev |
Signpost | Gollorum |
Simple Storage Network | Lothrazar |
SimpleZoom | UnRealDinnerbone |
Smart HUD | HeckinChloe |
Smooth Scrolling Everywhere (Forge) | shedaniel |
Snow! Real Magic! | Snownee_ |
Sophisticated wolves | nightkosh |
Sound Filters | Tmtravlr |
Spice of Life: Carrot Edition | lordcazsius |
Statues | ShyNieke |
Stellar API | jriwanek |
Stellar Sky | jriwanek |
stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict | GotoLink |
Storage Drawers | Texelsaur |
Storage Drawers Unlimited | raptor4694 |
Streams | delvr |
SwingThroughGrass | exidex |
The Birdwatching Mod | ikerleon02 |
The Disenchanter Mod | impelon |
The One Probe | McJty |
Thermal Cultivation | TeamCoFH |
Thermal Dynamics | TeamCoFH |
Thermal Expansion | TeamCoFH |
Thermal Foundation | TeamCoFH |
Tinkers Construct | mDiyo |
Tinker's JEI | Possible_triangle |
TipTheScales | Jaredlll08 |
Toast Control | Shadows_of_Fire |
Tomb Many Graves 2 | M4thG33k |
Tool Belt | gigaherz |
TOP Addons | DrManganese |
Totemic | ljfa2 |
Trample Stopper | UnRealDinnerbone |
TrashSlot | BlayTheNinth |
Traveller's Backpack | tiviacz1337 |
Tumbleweed | konwboj |
UniDict | WanionCane |
Uppers | vadis365 |
Useful Interior | ostpol |
VanillaFoodPantry Mod [FORGE] | The_Wabbit0101 |
Village Names | AstroTibs |
Villager Market | face_of_cat |
Waddles | Girafi |
WAIM - What am I missing? | Jaredlll08 |
Wall-Jump! [FORGE] | genandnic |
WanionLib | WanionCane |
Water Strainer | Ruuubi |
Waystones | BlayTheNinth |
What's That Slot? | gegy1000 |
WholeTreeAxe | cubex2 |
Wings | pau101 |
Wolf Armor and Storage | satyrnidae |
XP From Harvest | ReaIGecko |
YABBA | LatvianModder |