


external links in guidebook

PSILONCRAFT opened this issue · 11 comments


what is the setup for external links in the guidebook
lets say I want to send players to my GitHub for bug reporting


I haven't coded that feature yet. Shouldn't take too long, though, so I'll try to write it later today.


Oh thats very nice


a nother thing if i want to use a custom image on front of the book where would i nest that image and what will the code be
I have this code now

book title="PSILONCRAFT MANUAL" cover="gbook:covers/default" fontSize="0.6"

but I want a nother png on the front that I will put in the /book folder i have my books in


The front cover can be changed in the book's root tag, along with the font size, and the book's title (the name that shows on the ingame item, like <book title="Demo book" cover="gbook:demo" fontSize="0.6">

"gbook:demo" will look for config/resources/textures/demo.png


thanks man


one last question about the confifile my book is called book1

what code do i have to use to give at first join?

Configuration file

books {
S:GiveOnFirstJoin <

general {
# -1 for same as GUI scale, 0 for auto, 1+ for small/medium/large


the same book "id" that you use in the give command, like:

S:GiveOnFirstJoin <

Hello! v1.6.0 is out, and it adds external links: <link href="">Guidebook repository</link>.

I'll consider this closed. :)


I'd like to suggest you add an example using both GiveOnFirstJoin and the new code for external links as a new example in the guidebook wiki. This was a very helpful posting for me to read. :)


I´d also would like to suggest that you do an example with a jpeg or png picture swell. was a bit hard to understand the alignment with the xyz coords for a image in the guidebook.
what will a external link for a image look like?


Ah yes, I meant to add it, but I forgot.

The ingame guidebook book has examples of using images:

These have to be PNG images. The same restrictions apply to making images for resourcepacks. External images will not be supported. At least not any time soon.

If you mean make a clickable image link, that MIGHT be possible at some point in the future, but not right now.