


scaling level normal, looks weird

MSandro opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi, the players of my modpack are disappointed with the scaling of the GuideBooks. It looks good on large scaling but not on normal scaling levenl.
2019-03-07_12 32 00


Hmpf. That shouldn't happen. I am currently working on an update to guidebook, so I'll try to recheck why the text would be out of place. This also reminds me that I want to add a "free scale" option to bypass the integral scaling levels I have now, even if it causes font distortion.


thanks, temporarily I solve the problem with the mod TipTheScales.


To maybe add some more insight into this, although visually the text is shifted, the actual link ref's are still within the actual book pages. I am experiencing the same GUI issue as above with Small and Normal settings. Large GUI Scale is ok.


I believe the issue should be fixed locally already. At least I haven't been able to reproduce it anymore after the changes. There's some glitches still from the improvements I have been working on, so I have to get those fixed, but the release shouldn't take too long.