Halo HUD

Halo HUD


Tool-oriented option

Madis0 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Have you also considered adding an option to make the mod more tool-oriented, instead of player-oriented? Meaning, it would display instead:

  • The state of breaking a block
  • The durability of the held tool or two
  • The damage indicator
  • The amount of arrows the player has when holding a bow
  • Related effects, including strength, weakness, haste, mining fatigue
  • Other similar things

I have not considered these things yet, so thank you for the suggestions! The mod was born from me seeing the idea for health/hunger and thinking "huh, this sounds cool and like it would work perfectly with AutoHUD, let me explore that concept".

  • Breaking a block is covered by the block breaking animation vanilla already has. What would you make this mod add to that? In what way do you think it is insufficient?
  • Durability I've lightly considered for armour already (playing with it I found that I wanted a way to know about the state of my elytra), but I am unsure how to display that in a clean way.
  • With damage indicator, do you mean something other than what vanilla provides? I've made sure to keep the halo away from the vanilla "at crosshair" indicator.
  • Arrows is a cool idea, but similar to durability I'm unsure how to display those. Maybe a small number, but that can quickly make the HUD feel cluttered. Also it would be neat to see which type of arrow would be shot next, but again this would require quite a huge object near the middle of the screen.
  • Effects is another thing I thought about and had decided against for now because of readability concerns.

I could maybe introduce a third halo for durability (left side armour, right side active tool / weapon?), and then colour that for the respective status effects. The concern here would be information overload / clutter again, because by being in the center of the screen they'd also obstruct important screen space. But if I make it configurable enough, maybe that isn't a big deal..


Just an alternative that is displayed in the HUD instead of the block. Reg. "insufficient", well... the circular progress bar completition might be easier to estimate than guessing how "deep the block crack" is.

Hm, maybe! My first instinct was that a resource pack might be better suited for this, but with the rest of your post I'm beginning to understand your idea. Especially since I just realised that you are the author of OneBar! Hah.
I am a bit familiar with your mod, as I got asked to implement support for it in Auto HUD. I've always been intrigued by the concept of OneBar, but felt a bit intimidated by how much data it shows.

Before I didn't really get that you wanted to overlay other bars on top of the existing one, hence my concern for clutter. Now I think I understand that (given that the halo is split in the middle), you're proposing to essentially make this into TwoBar? ;)

Certainly an interesting way to increase usefulness without making things too cluttered, hmm. Would need some deep thinking on what should have priority under which condition. It would be a shame to not notice your health being low because there's too much else showing in a panic caving situation.


I am a bit familiar with your mod, as I got asked to implement support for it in Auto HUD.

Huh, cool :D I have thought of implementing a similar idea into OneBar at some point, but did not know how to go about this. Perhaps I could refactor the code in some way for you to make it easy to mixin into it?

I've always been intrigued by the concept of OneBar, but felt a bit intimidated by how much data it shows.

Well, the goal is to display everything you need to know, so the imidating part should in theory be just learning what each icon really means. Or... disable everything until you're less imidated, ha.

Before I didn't really get that you wanted to overlay other bars on top of the existing one, hence my concern for clutter. Now I think I understand that (given that the halo is split in the middle), you're proposing to essentially make this into TwoBar? ;)

Err... I still initially meant disabling the health-hunger stuff entirely when this "tool mode" is active. But yes, they could coexist as well, either as an overlay or if the health-hunger was an "outer circle" and weapon-tool an "inner circle".

I just know that I would be interested in your mod if I could disable the health-hunger circle parts and show something different there, as health and hunger are shown on OneBar anyway :P

  • Breaking a block is covered by the block breaking animation vanilla already has. What would you make this mod add to that? In what way do you think it is insufficient?

Just an alternative that is displayed in the HUD instead of the block. Reg. "insufficient", well... the circular progress bar completition might be easier to estimate than guessing how "deep the block crack" is.

  • Durability I've lightly considered for armour already (playing with it I found that I wanted a way to know about the state of my elytra), but I am unsure how to display that in a clean way.

Perhaps it could be the "bottommost" value, so block breaking/damage indicator will overlay it.

  • With damage indicator, do you mean something other than what vanilla provides? I've made sure to keep the halo away from the vanilla "at crosshair" indicator.

I mean replacing the vanilla indicator with a circular one.

I could maybe introduce a third halo for durability (left side armour, right side active tool / weapon?), and then colour that for the respective status effects. The concern here would be information overload / clutter again, because by being in the center of the screen they'd also obstruct important screen space. But if I make it configurable enough, maybe that isn't a big deal..

To be fair, my idea was to add an option that'd replace what you currently have, rather than add to it. But of course you made the mod because you are using and liking it, so I'd understand if you would not want to implement this idea due to clutter or not fitting the main purpose (player stats).

P.S. If you need more inspiration on how to keep your current player stats' bars contextual or what to display at all, you can check out my HUD mod as well :P


With version 2, a lot of these are now possible:

  • The state of breaking a block
  • The durability of the held tool or two
  • The damage indicator
  • The amount of arrows the player has when holding a bow
  • Related effects, including strength, weakness, haste, mining fatigue
  • Other similar things