Hardcore Darkness

Hardcore Darkness


Crash when accessing video settings

CcytherR opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hello, Crashing when clicking to edit my video settings, http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/bbb315dc


EDIT: Setting the gamma in hardcore Darkness to -0.9 was what was causing it, perhaps it doesnt get along with shaders/optifine if you set it anything other than default of -1.0, trying to get best of both worlds the vibrance of shaders in daylight but the darkness of hardcore darkness at night sort of my goals, tricky, i don't i can though not as things are, i tried in shaders options setting to moon very dark, but on the surface its still quite clear at night where without the shaders lighting effects and just the other non-lighting effects hardcore darkness has control again, guess its the best compromise


Like it says in the config file, the range of that property is 0.0 - 1.0, -1 is a special value that disables it.

Will look into the crash.