Hardcore Darkness

Hardcore Darkness


Render Issue

givemhell opened this issue ยท 12 comments


it seems there is an issue with rendering forge microblocks and other blocks that are not whole blocks at night
http://i.imgur.com/V9So2rT.png <-- night
http://i.imgur.com/MEKH6LW.png <-- day

this problem does not happen when hardcore darkness or colored lights core is removed from my mods folder


You see i'm not accounting for anything^^. I really am just editing the vanilla lightmap to not have that minimal light.


it also seems to affect carpender blocks, i would think its got something todo with how light is calculated. are you accounting for blocks like slabs and how light works with them?


lets see what CptSpaceToaster has to say on this, he should be able to shed some "light" on this

if your feeling adventuress take a look here & see if this helps you get any ideas on how you might go about solving the problem

the source of the mod can be found here


Considering this happens with FMP and not Colored Lights or Dynamic Lights or whatever i'm not sure how that issue is related?


this should make more sense, im really bad at explaining things >.<

Colored Lights core changes vanilla light system
Hardcore Darkness hooks the vanilla light system thats been changed
Blocks from random mods render with a shade of blue during the night

does that make more sense?


Lulz, you should have maybe mentioned Colored Lights Core considering THAT is the mod that is causing this together with Hardcore Darkness.


yeah i swore that i removed it during the test but i guess i removed it from the wrong pack,


So, I replaced the lighting engine with my own, but it's backwards compatible... I don't think that's being discussed here. To make sure we're on the same page:

1.) Does hardcore darkness mess with the lighting engine in such a way, that light spreads differently? (y/n)
2.) Does Sunlight still spread around? (y/n)
3.) Does block light still flood-out like vanilla? (y/n)

Those 3 will help diagnose what's going wrong here. Now let's talk about how things are drawn.

The second thing I did, was replace the lightmap with a shader...... This change is not 100% backwards compatible, and quite a bother. This document details the change I made, and can help explain why things turn blue (in format 2)

4.) What does Hardcore darkness change in the rendering pipeline? (Just the lightmap's contents?)

If it's strictly editing the lightmap... it's going to be successful, but the change won't have much meaning... I guess I could hack in a check for hardcore darkness, and then change what I do to emulate hardcore darkness... which is kinda hilarious... but it would work.

If you're too busy to respond, that's fine, I'll go mess with your source if I need to. Right now, I've got other things to fix, but this is on the list. A couple people have asked for it.

If it's really just messing with sunlight... I can probably extend the world.sunLight color field out to the API, which would make your end... one line of code (and the API)... So you can just color sunlight black.

Edit Edit:
Nope, you couldn't use sunlight to do this... you need to see in the day... that was dumb of me.


I'm just removing all of the "*0.8F+0.2F" type of calculations in getSunBrightnessBody and EntityRenderer.updateLightmap, i don't change anything else.


yep... that logic will simply be thrown out the window... I'll have to figure something out on my end.


@lumien231 do you plan on doing something about this? or at least acknowledging the problem?


If i find out what causes it i will fix it :P.