Hardcore Ender Expansion

Hardcore Ender Expansion


[CANCELED] Localize version checker

Adaptivity opened this issue ยท 4 comments


.append("\n Caution, you are using a broken build that can cause critical crashes! Please, redownload the mod, or update it if there is an update available.")
.append("\n\n ").append(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY).append(downloadURL);
for(String s:message.toString().split("\n"))HardcoreEnderExpansion.notifications.report(s,true);
else if (counter > 0 && UpdateNotificationManager.enableNotifications){
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder()
.append(EnumChatFormatting.LIGHT_PURPLE).append(" [Hardcore Ender Expansion ").append(modVersion).append("]").append(EnumChatFormatting.RESET)
.append("\n Found a new version ").append(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN).append(newestVersionForCurrentMC.modVersionName).append(EnumChatFormatting.RESET)
.append(" for Minecraft ").append(mcVersion).append(", released ").append(newestVersionForCurrentMC.releaseDate)
.append(". You are currently ").append(counter).append(" version").append(counter == 1 ? "" : "s").append(" behind.");
if (newestVersion != newestVersionForCurrentMC){
message.append("\n\n There is also an update ").append(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN).append(newestVersion.modVersion).append(EnumChatFormatting.RESET)
.append(" for Minecraft ").append(CommandBase.joinNiceString(newestVersion.mcVersions)).append('.');
message.append("\n\n ").append(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY).append(downloadURL);
for(String s:message.toString().split("\n"))HardcoreEnderExpansion.notifications.report(s,true);
else if (newestVersion != newestVersionForCurrentMC && UpdateNotificationManager.enableNotifications){
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder()
.append(EnumChatFormatting.LIGHT_PURPLE).append(" [Hardcore Ender Expansion ").append(modVersion).append("]").append(EnumChatFormatting.RESET)
.append("\n Found a new version ").append(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN).append(newestVersion.modVersion).append(EnumChatFormatting.RESET)
.append(" for Minecraft ").append(CommandBase.joinNiceString(newestVersion.mcVersions)).append(", released ").append(newestVersion.releaseDate)
more localization stuff


Yea, there's a ton of text to localize, I'll get on it.


So, do you plan to rewrite version checker at least in 1.8? Also, I noticed that you are using I18n format for localization, you better should switch to statcollector.translatetolocal because in some cases i18n can crash client (I saw that Ivorius have done this in psychedelicraft because of crashes)


I externalized a bunch of strings and updated the translation website. I can't do the update checker though, because that runs on server side, so it'd have to be mostly rewritten - there is a server translation system, but it doesn't work with the way I have the messages set up.


I18n will only crash if it's called on server side. I'll check to make sure it's only called in client code. Not sure about updating the checker, I have more important features to work on that will probably take too much time on their own, so I'll handle the checker later.