Hardcore Ender Expansion

Hardcore Ender Expansion


[FIXED 1.8.6] LIFE_STEAL charm conflicts with WITCHERY_HARM

Estella opened this issue ยท 2 comments



if positional slots are ignored during crafting, it is not possible to make witchery charm with level 2 status effects, due to conflict with life steal's charm.

LIFE_STEAL new CharmRecipe(29).rune(POWER).rune(VIGOR,2).rune(MAGIC).rune(VOID).prop("stealhealth",4).prop("stealdealt",16),

WITCHERY_HARM new CharmRecipe(45).rune(POWER).rune(MAGIC).rune(VIGOR,2).rune(VOID).prop("badeffchance",0.09F).prop("badefflvl",2).prop("badefftime",5),

Found issue on The-1.7.10-Pack, v1.8.4 : HardcoreEnderExpansion MC-1.7.10 v1.8.4.jar


Thanks for the report, I'll fix it in future versions. Unfortunately HEE 1 is frozen unless a critical issue is found, so the fix may only be available for HEE 2 when it comes out.


There were quite a few oversights with the recipes, since I'm redesigning the mod I just fixed a couple broken ones and disabled two of the conflicting recipes with Life Steal and Witchery Harm.