Hardcore Questing Mode [FORGE/FABRIC]

Hardcore Questing Mode [FORGE/FABRIC]


Empty items in bags causes soft lock on world load

Funwayguy opened this issue · 4 comments


If a user sets one of the items in a bag group to be empty, HQM can save this as null in bags.json. Next time that world is attempted to load, hardcorequesting.io.adapter.BagAdapter gets stuck and soft locks the game. Manually opening the file and erasing all the NULL entries by hand is the only way to allow the world to load again.



EDIT: Assuming that users are able to migrate quests from older versions of Minecraft, handling NULL conversions to ItemStack.EMPTY will likely be necessary


Argh why


The life of null and ItemStack.EMPTY, long live legacy :D


I'm going to try to put some work into HQM over the weekend, was taking a bit of a break from it all. This should be relatively easy to resolve. Alternately we could just drop support for loot bags and make modpack makers use an addon with a better interface? 👯‍♂️


How did this happen? It's never supposed to be null...