Hardcore Revival

Hardcore Revival


ViveCraft Compatibility

BlayTheNinth opened this issue ยท 5 comments

  • Lava Death causes continuous controller vibration
  • Clicking Accept your Fate button just closes the screen
  • The red overlay should not render, Vivecraft does its own red flash and it looks dumb in the hand ui render
  • "Press T" should be "Open Chat" on Vivecraft
  • Knocked out players can still teleport around

Lava Death causes continuous controller vibration

Probably caused by this, I assume the player is still taking damage even when out of health: https://github.com/jrbudda/Vivecraft_112/blob/599fb6bb4c1bbf8df4963d25aedbfd3cb0b34d77/patches/net/minecraft/client/entity/EntityPlayerSP.java.patch#L120-L131

This could probably be fixed on Hardcore Revival's side by making knocked out players immune to fire.


Clicking "Accept your Fate" button just closes the screen

The button appears clickable and has a hover effect, but trying to click it just closes the screen. Most likely related to the keyboard which just closes the screen if clicked outside of it? Couldn't find the relevant code in Vivecraft though.


Knocked out players can still teleport around

Vivecraft only checks for isDead, which only happens a second after the player has died due to EntityLivingBase.deathTime delaying it. This means, technically, a dead player can still move around for a second after death (assuming they weren't locked in a death screen GUI).


In Hardcore Revival, isDead is only set to true once the player fully died, since otherwise the entity would get removed - deathTime is correctly set though, so a simple solution would be for Vivecraft to check deathTime > 0 as well.


Closing as wontfix since 1.12 is no longer supported and I'm unsure what issues have or have not been fixed since then.