Crafttweaker duplicates Shopoffers
gilfort opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I used the mods.harvestfestival method to implement 2 new items for the general store.
(mods.harvestfestival.Shops.addPurchasable("harvestfestival:general", minecraft:egg, 50);
mods.harvestfestival.Shops.addPurchasable("harvestfestival:general", minecraft:apple, 25);)
As soon as i use /mt reload there will be a warning, that these items have been registered again with a different id and after that they will be doubled in the shop.
Jaredlll08 commented, that this problem is on your side and he has nothing to do with it.
used Forge-version: forge-
used Crafttweakerversion CraftTweaker_1.10.2-3.0.12