Crashing on Server
Rozzers opened this issue ยท 9 comments
My friends and I are playing this on a server and the server crashes randomly since last update.
This is the crash report
This is the log before crash
I'm only assuming its a Harvest Festival issue because of the errors I get right before it crashes.
It's probably not random but rather when the new day ticks over and a certain person hasn't been online. Easy enough for me to fix. It wouldn't have crashed before as the data would have been loaded for them. At least if I understand it correctly.
(You can always in the mean time find the person with an incubator and remove it)
I am now getting a spam of harvest uuid already existing. Let me know if I need a new issue claim for this.
Not really much I can do about this. I'm not doing anything, this is something that tends to happen with entities that persist. ( All I can think of doing is asming out the vanilla error message, but that doesn't really solve anything. You could take drastic measure and try killing the entities that are throwing that message.
Hmmm, looking at that it looks like it's happening when the day ticks over, i wonder.
I wonder if that's related it to loading chunks when placing the rocks/stone, then unloading them
So that the entities get loaded/unloaded and therefore spamming the vanilla message once a day
Yep from test can confirm that this is caused by rapid loading/unloading of chunks whenever the day ticks over, due to things like soil being dried out, animals being updated and towns spawning blocks. I'll add a check for if the chunk is loaded to perform these actions. Which may cause some funny issues but will have to see
Ok try this one, if this doesn't work, you'll just have to kill the entities. You WILL still see the messages occasionally because that's just how it works in vanilla, but it shouldn't be loading towns etc in unloaded chunks now.
Ok. It's nice to not have it spamming. What are the drawbacks to not loading the towns in the unloaded chunks?
Nothing bad just means the wood/stones don't get moved, animals/crops won't accidentally get loaded and possibly update. Although idk if it made them update or not.