Harvest with ease

Harvest with ease


Incompatibility with Ore Portal

SeagalKru opened this issue · 12 comments


I have confirmed no other issue reports this bug

  • I have searched for existing issues

I have confirmed the mod is installed on the proper side

  • I have installed the mod properly

Current behavior

In my build I use the mod https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ore-portal, but the harvest is not harvested using the right mouse click.
I added the seed ID to the configuration file, but the game crashes (attached).
How should I specify the list of seeds correctly or is this problem on the side of the specified mod and should I contact the mod developer?
Thank you!

Expected behavior


Steps to reproduce

No response

Minecraft version


Mod loader version

Forge 47.3.1

Mod version


Other mods

Ore Portal

Stacktrace and logs


Additional context

No response


I'll check it out when I get back home (Monday), but I'm positive it's something to do with the other mod's crop implementation.


Could you please share your configuration file?


The ID of the iron seed, for example, "oreportal_forge:ironseedcraft", I added between the square brackets and the game crashed. But there are only 10 such seeds in the mod (along with the hardware) and I wrote them in different ways: with a “;”, and with a new line for each ID, and simply as a list in a line without punctuation marks.


First of all, you can safely delete harvestwithease-common.toml, that's the old file from older versions of this mod.
Secondly, it seems your configuration has the default value, where did you add the crops ID?


So, taking into account the fact that the game was crashing, I removed the crop list from the line “2” crops = []. I made it empty so I could play.


I take the ID using the JEI mod.


Empty (default): crops = []
Adding one ID (ironseeds): crops = [oreportal_forge:ironseedcraft]


Maybe I'm being provided with the wrong ID?


I got into the mod and looked at the correct names of the seed items.
I wrote it in the config of your mod, same story: crash.


crops = ["oreportal_forge:ironseed", "oreportal_forge:coalseed", "oreportal_forge:copperseed", "oreportal_forge:goldseed", "oreportal_forge:lapis-lazuliseed", "oreportal_forge:redstoneseed", "oreportal_forge:emeraldseed", "oreportal_forge:diamondseed", "oreportal_forge:netheriteseed", "oreportal_forge:quartzseed"]

A list of item should be written like this, with item between double quotation marks and comma-separated.

Anyway, using the seed ID won't make the other mod's crops compatible for 2 reasons:
1 - The ID should be the one of the crop block, not the seed item.
2 - I don't believe that mod have compatible crop blocks.

More on point 1:
Both items and blocks have an in-game ID in Minecraft, and they are not necessarily the same.
I checked with F3 what the crop block ID was, and it's definitely different from the seed item.
Furthermore, and this brings me straight to point 2, it seems that the ID of the block is changing every time the crop grows each stage.

More on point 2:
As just mentioned, there is something weird going on with the crop blocks from the other mod.
Their IDs change depending on the current age of the crop, while generally the crop age should be tracked with a blockstate property. Unfortunately, the other mod's source code is not publicly available, so I can't actually check what's going on, but with an educated guess I'd say their crops are not compatible out of the box.

I suggest you open an issue with the other mod, there's not much I can do.
Of course, if you do so, feel free to link this issue. You can also mention that HWE provides an API with events that other mods can use to add compatibility.


I heard and understood you about that mod.
Yes, I will create an error message (or bug) there with a link to this message. I hope the mod developer can fix this, and perhaps get in touch with you to try to solve this problem.
I am sure that you will explain to him what is wrong with his mod.
Thank you!