Error when trying to fill Fertilizer Spray
Lonewolf22113 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
So I crafted the mixer and Spray, made liquid fertilizer dropped in a hole in ground and right clicked it with the Spray equipped, but I get an error message and the Fertilizer Spray is not getting filled and I lose the liquid Fertilizer, but it does not crash my game.
This is the Error Log it Gives me:
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Don't do that.Time: 2018-10-26 17:33:19 CEST
Description: Error executing taskjava.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidActionResult cannot be cast to net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
at Source)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source)
at net.minecraft.util.Util.runTask(SourceFile:531)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.updateTimeLightAndEntities(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tick(
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.tick(
at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidActionResult cannot be cast to net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source)
at Source)
at net.minecraft.util.Util.runTask(SourceFile:529)
... 5 moreA detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_191, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
Memory: 394221288 bytes (375 MB) / 2592727040 bytes (2472 MB) up to 3996385280 bytes (3811 MB)
JVM Flags: 3 total; -Xmn128M -Xmx3824M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 12, tallocated: 94
FML: MCP 9.42 Powered by Forge 75 mods loaded, 75 mods active
States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored| State | ID | Version | Source | Signature | |:--------- |:-------------------- |:------------------------ |:----------------------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------- | | UCHIJAAAA | minecraft | 1.12.2 | minecraft.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | mcp | 9.42 | minecraft.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | FML | | forge-1.12.2- | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 | | UCHIJAAAA | forge | | forge-1.12.2- | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 | | UCHIJAAAA | smoothfontcore | 1.12.2-1.14 | minecraft.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | smoothfont | 1.12.2-1.15 | SmoothFont-1.12.2-1.15.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | movillages | 1.5.4 | [1.12]MoVillages-1.5.4.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | gobblecore | 1.12- | GobbleCore-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | charcoalblock | 1.1 | A Block of Charcoal-1.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | actuallyadditions | 1.12.2-r135 | ActuallyAdditions-1.12.2-r135.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | baubles | 1.5.2 | Baubles-1.12-1.5.2.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | actuallybaubles | 1.1 | ActuallyBaubles-1.12-1.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | animalium | 0.3.7 | Animalium-0.3.7.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | antiqueatlas | 4.4.9 | antiqueatlas-1.12.2-4.4.9.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | antiqueatlasoverlay | 1.2 | antiqueatlas-1.12.2-4.4.9.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | examplemod | 1.0 | antiqueatlas-1.12.2-4.4.9.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | applecore | 3.1.1 | AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.1.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | jei | | jei_1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | appleskin | 1.0.9 | AppleSkin-mc1.12-1.0.9.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | crafttweaker | 4.1.11 | CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.11.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | armoreablemobs | 1.1.2 | armoreablemobs-1.12-1.1.6-4.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | astikoor | 1.1.0 | astikoor_horse-carts-1.1.0a.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | betteradvancements | | BetterAdvancements-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | betterbuilderswands | 0.11.1 | BetterBuildersWands-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | bonsaitrees | 1.0.5 | bonsaitrees-1.0.5-b77.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | bookshelf | 2.3.566 | Bookshelf-1.12.2-2.3.566.jar | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 | | UCHIJAAAA | carryon | 1.9 | CarryOn MC1.12.2 v1.9.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | chameleon | 1.12-4.1.3 | Chameleon-1.12-4.1.3.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | chancecubes | 1.12.2- | ChanceCubes-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | chickens | 6.1.0 | chickens-6.1.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | clumps | 3.1.1 | Clumps-3.1.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | codechickenlib | | CodeChickenLib-1.12.2- | f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261 | | UCHIJAAAA | cookingforblockheads | 6.3.26 | CookingForBlockheads_1.12.2-6.3.26.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | ctgui | 1.0.0 | CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.11.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | crafttweakerjei | 2.0.2 | CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.11.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | ptrmodellib | 1.0.3 | PTRLib-1.0.3.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | props | 2.6.2 | Decocraft-2.6.2_1.12.2.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | elevatorid | 1.3.6 | ElevatorMod-1.12.2-1.3.6.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | enchdesc | 1.1.8 | EnchantmentDescriptions-1.12.2-1.1.8.jar | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 | | UCHIJAAAA | fbp | 2.4.0 | FancyBlockParticles-1.12.x-2.4.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | farmingforblockheads | 3.1.17 | FarmingForBlockheads_1.12.2-3.1.17.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | farseek | 2.3 | Farseek-1.12-2.3.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | gravestone | 1.10.1 | gravestone-1.10.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | hatchery | 2.1.4 | hatchery-1.12.2-2.1.4.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | headcrumbs | 2.0.4 | Headcrumbs-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | waila | 1.8.26 | Hwyla-1.8.26-B41_1.12.2.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | improvedbackpacks | 1.12.2- | ImprovedBackpacks-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | jeresources | | JustEnoughResources-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | mantle | 1.12- | Mantle-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | tconstruct | 1.12.2- | TConstruct-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | morechickens | 3.2.0 | morechickens-1.12.2-3.2.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | natura | 1.12.2- | natura-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | naturescompass | 1.5.1 | NaturesCompass-1.12.2-1.5.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | neat | 1.4-15 | Neat 1.4-15.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | norecipebook | 1.2.1 | noRecipeBook_v1.2.2formc1.12.2.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | nei | 2.4.2 | NotEnoughItems-1.12.2- | f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261 | | UCHIJAAAA | samsocean | 1.0.1 | OceanFloor-1.12-1.0.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | oreexcavation | 1.4.118 | OreExcavation-1.4.118.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | quickleafdecay | 1.2.4 | QuickLeafDecay-MC1.12.1-1.2.4.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | realdrops | 1.2.12 | RealisticItemDrops-1.2.12.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | repose | 1.6.1 | Repose-1.12-1.6.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | rustic | 1.0.5 | rustic-1.0.5.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | scannable | | Scannable-MC1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | simplyarrows | 1.0.4 | SimplyArrows-1.12.2-1.0.4.jar | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 | | UCHIJAAAA | snad | 1.12.1- | Snad-1.12.1- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | stg | 1.12.2-1.2.3 | stg-1.12.2-1.2.3.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | storagedrawers | 1.12-5.3.5 | StorageDrawers-1.12.2-5.3.6.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | streams | 0.4.4 | Streams-1.12-0.4.4.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | tinkertoolleveling | 1.12.2-1.0.5.DEV.30c7957 | TinkerToolLeveling-1.12.2-1.0.5.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | vanillafix | 1.0.9-97 | VanillaFix-1.0.9-97.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | vc | 5.6.1 | ViesCraft-1.12.2-5.6.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | waddles | 0.6.0 | Waddles-1.12.2-0.6.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | wailaharvestability | 1.1.12 | WailaHarvestability-mc1.12-1.1.12.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | wildcrops | 1.0.1 | WildCrops-1.12-1.0.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | yoyos | 1.12.2- | yoyos_1.12.2- | None |
Loaded coremods (and transformers): FarseekCoreMod (Farseek-1.12-2.3.jar)
VanillaFixLoadingPlugin (VanillaFix-1.0.9-97.jar)AppleCore (AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.1.1.jar) squeek.applecore.asm.TransformerModuleHandler CorePlugin (SmoothFont-1.12.2-1.15.jar) bre.smoothfont.asm.Transformer
GL info:
ERRORRuntimeException: No OpenGL context found in the current thread.
Pulsar/tconstruct loaded Pulses: - TinkerCommons (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerWorld (Enabled/Not Forced)
- TinkerTools (Enabled/Not Forced)
- TinkerHarvestTools (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerMeleeWeapons (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerRangedWeapons (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerModifiers (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerSmeltery (Enabled/Not Forced)
- TinkerGadgets (Enabled/Not Forced)
- TinkerOredict (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerIntegration (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerFluids (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerMaterials (Enabled/Forced)
- TinkerModelRegister (Enabled/Forced)
- wailaIntegration (Enabled/Not Forced)
Pulsar/natura loaded Pulses: - NaturaCommons (Enabled/Forced)
- NaturaOverworld (Enabled/Not Forced)
- NaturaNether (Enabled/Not Forced)
- NaturaDecorative (Enabled/Not Forced)
- NaturaTools (Enabled/Not Forced)
- NaturaEntities (Enabled/Not Forced)
- NaturaOredict (Enabled/Forced)
- NaturaWorld (Enabled/Not Forced)
Suspected Mods: Unknown