NullPointerException: Ticking block entity
Gamewalker opened this issue ยท 14 comments
It looks like a server loses the egg in the tile entity for what ever reason.. which technically shouldn't happen. But it I should should a null check. I think its a server Sync issueand a my fault.
strange... I will put a try{} catch{} in to prevent it from crashing. If there is an error it will print out in the server console, but wont crash the game. Seems like its was a corrupted nest, the nbt data had to have been corrupted.
you will have to just let me know if you can recreated it over and over again. that way I can find a better way to fix it.
yeah Im a dev too, thats why I reported the exception :) I will tell u if I find any bugs
I really appreciate it. I am going to have to go back and rewrite some of this code, the nesting pen and nest were the first 1.10.2 blocks I had done, since 1.7.10. There are a lot of things I wish I had done differently, Just cause I learned the right or better ways. I am about to rewrite them, And try to not break ppls previous worlds so that should be fun. I appreciate you reporting it though.
Hey, it`s the 0.2 Version and we cant really tell what happened. We tried to hatch some eggs and all but one got progress and after some time, the server crashed. After server restart the "buggy" egg was at 50% progress (before 0%).
Strange.. what kind of server are you running forge? / sponge? Ive watched hours of game play & havent seen this.
forge-1.10.2- without any additions. Its basically the DW20 Pack with all mods updated to the newest version and 2-3 addtions