Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod

Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod


Feature request: InventoryTweaks support for crates

abel1502 opened this issue · 8 comments


It would be really nice to be able to sort items in crates with the InventoryTweaks mod, and from what I can tell, it is fairly simple to implement on your side: just add a @invtweaks.api.container.ChestContainer(rowSize=..., isLargeChest=true) annotation to the crates' Container classes. Thanks in advance!


I can't use the annotation without having InvTweaks as a dependency, and I can't add it as a dependency because the official Maven repo seems to be down.


Oh, that's sad(. Would it work, perhaps, to just copy the contents of ChestContainer.java into NTM's source, and use it without an explicit dependency? Maybe even exclude that class from the resulting jar, in case a duplicate class causes any problems. Alternatively, maybe you could use the jitpack.io repository?


Copying the class likely would work, although it's a pretty terrible way of handling dependencies (the RF support for example works like that). I'll try the other repository instead. If all else fails I can still add my own dumbed down version of inventory sorting, the code behind it is really simple.


Jitpack apparently supplies he jar file by pulling a Github release and then building it, but the build file is outdated and no longer works so it just yields errors. Unless the maven file is hosted somewhere else I am afraid I can't include the dependency.


Actually, it appears the Iron Chests mod uses an extracted class file since 2014, so maybe it is an acceptable solution


I think I solved it by including Gregtech's maven repo in my buildscript. I just hope nothing breaks.



there we go


Oh yes, thank you very much!