Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod

Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod


Digamma Screen Glitch

datboiiskool opened this issue · 20 comments


When I created a new world after melting down a RBMK with digamma fuel or using a null rocket, I see the digamma screen.


I melted down a RBMK with digamma fuel or shooted a null rocket. After the explosion, I see the digamma screen sometimes. When I created a new world, I still see it sometimes.


And also to shoot a null rocket, you need to load it in Karl.


If you still don't know what is it, meltdown a RBMK with digamma fuel or shoot a null rocket to see it.


I melted down a RBMK with digamma fuel or shooted a null rocket. After the explosion, I see the digamma screen sometimes. When I created a new world, I still see it sometimes.

That's called "ash"


Also, this issue is known
I think that it's an optifine issue
Delete optifine, or close the game fully


I melted down a RBMK with digamma fuel or shooted a null rocket. After the explosion, I see the digamma screen sometimes. When I created a new world, I still see it sometimes.

That's called "ash"

Oh ok.


I think I have the same isssue, though it looks like this



Is the ash overlay remaining upon switching worlds, dying or otherwise staying when it shouldn’t? Otherwise it’s not a bug, just an intended mechanic.


it seems to linger a bit when you get out of its AOE


If by that you mean it stays for 10 or so seconds, then that’s intended.


yeah, but its kind of buggy, I thought it would look more like one of thaumcrafts effects or one of those things when you get close to something with chromacraft

like the screen starts to fog up

furthermore the ash googles are not working if that's what their also supposed todo


Can you elaborate more about what’s not working about the ash goggles? Does the ash overlay persist for more than 20 or so seconds after putting them on?


Apparently some mods (it's probably optifine again) interfere with the overlay rendering, causing it to always render with fully occupancy. I'll probably rewrite the entire thing because right now there's (yet another) optifine incompatibility that causes the overlay to swivel off into the distance when you turn your head.


no, I thought the ash goggles would prevent the overlay from happening


id also thought it would look more like a screen effect that slowly covers up from the corners as if it was raining ash slowly. something like that would be sick AF


no, I thought the ash goggles would prevent the overlay from happening

It should cap the occupancy at about 10%, compared to the roughly 80% when not wearing any protection.


apperently thats not working


it also flickering like mad when I'm in that zone


Technically fixed due to the digamma overlay effect being removed.