Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod

Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod


Particle Accelerator could use more diagnostic tools

thePalindrome opened this issue ยท 4 comments


The particle accelerator is a bit frustrating since you give it some rather rare resources, only for it to inform you it failed for whatever reason. I'd argue the first useful thing would be for it to give the input back (ideally holding onto it and "jamming" if the output slots are filled with something else), especially when it's something as simple as "the recipe is for linear mode, but your accelerator is in a (valid) circular mode", but I'd also love to be able to run tests to determine if sections have enough power for the coils, how much energy is present between points A and B, etc.

I'd have to ask DarkCow how her hadron did it in Atomic Science, since this is mostly a clone of that one, no?


So apparently DarkGuardsman updated the way the particle accelerator works to a "new" system, whereas NTM is based off the "old" one. If you want I can set up a PR and work to redo the accelerator, although I'll have to compare notes with you about what parts are important and what parts aren't.

Either way, I'd be up to help rewrite the hadron since it really seems it needs it!
(AS is licensed under MIT, so we could also just straight up use that code as a stopgap)


I might be completely wrong with this one, but wasn't the "old" AS accelerator (from my foggy memories from around 2014) completely different from NTM's accelerator? IIrc the accelerator had to be perfectly square (or at least rectangular, while NTM's can be pretzel-shaped if you really wanted), didn't have anything like an analysis chamber and would pre-calculate the size of the accelerator ring (something NTM's doesn't do since only checking blocks bit-by-bit helps fight lag with truly monstrous ones). Again, I might be completely off and perhaps I'm thinking of the accelerator from NuclearCraft, but if that's true then I'm not sure if AS' code would help us here.


Given the conversation I had with her, it seems to not be the case. It allowed as many turns as you liked (but loses some power per turn), and also ran the calculations with the entity, much like yours does. She might be misremembering somehow, or you're mixed up, or something. Either way, we'll take a look at some of the designs of the "new" AS system, see if there's stuff that looks good!

Might just be better to chat on discord, discrim's 8270 if you want to chat me up and compare notes


NTM's accelerator got some more diagnostic tools recently which should release later this week, I assumed this should solve most issues but in case it doesn't then taking a look at AS' code might not be that bad of an idea.