- 2
config for milk all the mobs
#1955 opened by UomoNormale4 - 2
Remember state between sessions
#1954 opened by esvarc - 1
Mob configuration
#1956 opened by neinome - 0
Enderman don't drop items on death (ender pearls) neither by player nor by natural causes
#1957 opened by ShadowSharkWolf - 0
not 100% zombie villager spawn despite config adjustment
#1946 opened by thecounter89 - 1
disable leaf handling
#1947 opened by Hellzbellz123 - 2
Crash with Debugify
#1948 opened by Zorklis - 2
Pulling Collective's hard-coded GlobalVariables into a JSON
#1949 opened by SeymourGx - 1
Creeper protection for death chest
#1950 opened by janusfenix - 0
collective 6.65 crashes fabric 1.20.1
#1951 opened by Manos654764 - 1
[Feature Request] (1.19.2) Gui Clock and Compass, show only if the item is in hand
#1952 opened by SigmaFlame - 1
[Tree Harvester] Wooden Axe Balance
#1953 opened by ConqAra - 6
Village Spawn Point not spawning in Village
#1964 opened by Majarou - 1
[double doors] Doors are getting triggered from a button 2 blocks away
#1966 opened by jinkhya - 0
Menu Changing arrows glitch into button.
#1965 opened by ThatDuckE - 0
GUI Clock Time & Days incorrect when using a mod that changes the day length (TimeControl)
#1967 opened by GabbyDG2805 - 1
Issue compiling mod
#1958 opened by Nihilanthy - 1
Wandering Winemaker (Vinery) and Wandering Baker (Bakery) Don't Have Names
#1959 opened by RiftSpatial - 1
Can't use /st without OP
#1968 opened by Nihilanthy - 3
1.19.2 - Does not work while ``holding something to shift right click``
#1960 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 1
[BUG] GUI Clock and Compass doesn't work when the item is in a bundle.
#1961 opened by Drigonis - 1
Brown Mushrooms can't be harvested
#1962 opened by Hng-Vit - 0
Better AlternativeWorldSaveLocation
#1963 opened by PukPukov - 1
Your Items Are Safe- chest fails to generate when player dies in the void
#1979 opened by TheHypeTrain - 1
Support for rideable entities
#1980 opened by quintaneous - 2
Make the mod also handle experience orbs
#1981 opened by Answordy - 1
Possibility to allow non-op players to use /jph commands
#1969 opened by Bwapt - 2
Spawning outside of bunker
#1970 opened by BlueDuckYT - 2
Random Village Names - Cant find config
#1971 opened by LordDecay26 - 1
Can't Get Snowballs Freeze Mobs to Work in Forge 47.x.x
#1972 opened by DumbXBoxAcct - 7
Collective crashes server
#1973 opened by catlovelia - 0
PlayerRevive & Inventory Totem not working as they should together.
#1974 opened by Vancomb - 7
Do I need the client side mod to for people to see the features on a server?
#1975 opened by Noahfrechette - 1
I cant seem to get the mod working
#1976 opened by BluGamers4life - 4
1.16.5 deathbackup server problem
#1977 opened by 2929762171 - 1
Add saved inventories per-player
#1978 opened by cheny0y0 - 1
collective not seeing double doors mod
#1993 opened by gjdghfghdsfgdsfg - 1
Multiplayer compatibility (Replanting Crops)
#1994 opened by leviathan13 - 0
[GUI Clock/Compass/Followers] Missing the blue client-only badge in modmenu
#1995 opened by nco2k - 3
Cycle Paintings Doesn't work with Fast Paintings
#1982 opened by tikiMC - 0
1.19.2/1.20.1/1.20.2/1.20.X Forge/Neoforge ``Auto Clicker for low FPS environements or mods that refuse stack crafting``
#1983 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 1
[1.20.1] [NHACF] crash when a villager transforms
#1984 opened by Bass2style - 4
Permission nodes?
#1985 opened by Nymorph - 2
Infinite Trades mod won't turn off
#1986 opened by alfa98516 - 0
Damage is granting Absorption hearts
#1987 opened by Partonetrain - 3
[Fabric][1.20.1][RandomVillageName] Random Village Name signs not spawning in any villages
#1988 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 2
Bug: chat messages not logged in console
#1989 opened by Nicolol1234 - 1
Mod isn't working for me, might be because of other mods
#1990 opened by Commodares - 0
Modrinth - Wrong mod descriptions on TVE modpack page
#1991 opened by Programer3 - 1
1.19.2 collective runtime error
#1992 opened by LiquidMoth