- 0
Make Village Names Be Biome/Village Type Dependent, With Mod Support
#2404 opened by VinterNacht - 1
[Difficulty Lock] Backporting Hardcore locking to 1.12.2
#2405 opened by Tanker1238 - 6
Allow Command Blocks to use Starterkit Commands
#2406 opened by JaklMUSIC - 3
Locating element #minecraft:village (minecraft:village_plains) continuously when a player logs in
#2407 opened by RpixPro - 0
Atum 2 Villagers show up as "Human Male Nitwit" or "Human Female Armorer"
#2408 opened by Archliche - 0
structure options
#2409 opened by Thunderrock424242 - 5
Collective: When jumping while riding a horse, it takes fall damage
#2410 opened by alescobar99 - 0
possibility of other entities being affected (Automatic Doors)
#2411 opened by dhgameryt - 0
[Extract Poison] Dispenser support
#2400 opened by roidrole - 0
GUI Clock Incorrect Positioning When WATER_BREATHING is Active
#2402 opened by LOOHP - 1
Is this mod compatible with Placeholder API?
#2401 opened by Xalvas - 1
get in Creative mod
#2403 opened by HonoEagle - 4
trading Refresh
#2427 opened by zc1108aaa - 1
All Loot Drops Incompatibility with Friends and Foes
#2425 opened by Sonifluous - 0
Disable GUI Clock and Compass dissapearing with F3 Menu on
#2424 opened by Bratorsortnal - 0
Realistic suffocation
#2426 opened by Nicodemus111 - 1
Collective eats up lot of ticks....
#2412 opened by RosivDamotil - 0
Flower Mimics - Activate/deactivate with a command while server is running
#2413 opened by HatTrkPatrk - 2
Dismounting Players Bug
#2414 opened by Fyoncle - 3
Stuck in Full bright
#2415 opened by Jpearson0904 - 1
Suspected Mods: All Loot Drops (alllootdrops), Minecraft (minecraft), Galosphere (galosphere), Collective (collective), Taterzens (taterzens), Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) (fabric-lifecycle-events-v1)
#2416 opened by zc1108aaa - 0
Support for Macaw's Shoji Doors
#2417 opened by da3dsoul - 3
Bottle Your XP doesn't decrease levels if level curve is changed
#2418 opened by Partonetrain - 3
Removing all names?
#2419 opened by RosivDamotil - 0
Potion Particles
#2420 opened by Nicol869 - 0
Configure Potion Effects Visibility
#2421 opened by Nicol869 - 1
#2422 opened by syzygy2896 - 1
Ore Harvester does not drop Ores
#2423 opened by felonese - 0
Never Too Expensive
#2448 opened by echoless3484 - 0
"Respawn delay is compatible with Gravestone mods." I can't find any that it's compatible with...
#2446 opened by Acenthus - 2
Tools with enchantments that cant be on the same tool cant be combined in an anvil
#2447 opened by Willio2000 - 1
Crash on 1.21
#2428 opened by Avakining - 6
Fabric Server fails to start on version 4.4
#2429 opened by br3tt5952 - 3
Ore Harvester bug
#2430 opened by FetidEnma - 3
Healing Soup heals you back to 20 hearts if you have more than 20 due to other mods like Scaling Health, Etc.
#2431 opened by ExiledMiner04 - 0
Hoe damage on replant
#2432 opened by theMisterPhD - 1
Infinite trading crashing game
#2433 opened by Flowroll94 - 1
Doesn't work in latest version
#2435 opened by K0KE11 - 1
#2436 opened by dwnsdp - 2
Latest update breaks blocks
#2449 opened by Neekodesu - 1
Ore Harvester Veins of 2 Block not mining
#2437 opened by HelixOW - 0
Setting to disable double door functionality on specific blocks
#2438 opened by DartRuffian - 1
The head does not fall off
#2439 opened by FANTA234 - 0
Infinite bottled air when right click on any block underwater
#2440 opened by idchlife - 2
CreateMod & WhatDurability item incompatibility
#2441 opened by AmeliaIsAwake - 1
New Players Client Crashes when joining due to StarterKit
#2442 opened by 704Prod - 1
Recipe Doesn't show up or even work
#2443 opened by Vojta2311 - 2
Enchanted pickaxe drop blocks
#2444 opened by JulienLhui - 1
[Difficulty Lock] Hardcore backport for 1.19.2?
#2445 opened by CDRAGONN44 - 1
Does not work with modded trees in skyfactory 4
#2450 opened by JCNicholsLOL