- 2
#2008 opened by Nymorph - 0
[Persistent Inventory Search] Missing the blue client-only badge in modmenu
#2009 opened by nco2k - 1
[Feature Request] Tree Harvester - Auto Item Pickup
#1998 opened by PlayfulPiano - 1
[Feature Request] Spiders Produce Webs - Tracking Requirement Toggle
#1999 opened by PlayfulPiano - 1
Death Backup should include items from Trinket’s slots
#2000 opened by ZiLenTz - 0
Custom Drops not working on certain enemies
#2001 opened by YC2000X - 3
[Biome Spawn Point] Cave biome support
#2002 opened by onycius - 2
[Villager Names] name opacity
#2003 opened by Nycto97 - 0
Replaced blocks revert back to original upon re-entering the game.
#2004 opened by oworeoaddiction - 2
[New Mod] Rotten Flesh To Leather
#2005 opened by nco2k - 0
[Extended Bone Meal] Limit growth for Cactus and Sugar Cane
#2006 opened by nco2k - 2
[Areas] Teleporting message
#2007 opened by Lush-Pages - 4
No Hostiles Around Campfire Server Thread Usage Way Too High
#2026 opened by RegalRuffRaff - 0
[Villager Names] Names not saving
#2027 opened by BTFighter - 1
Death delay when using the just player heads mod
#2010 opened by kuba26038 - 1
Conflict on Fabric 1.20.1 with Crying Portals and Redirector [Modern]
#2011 opened by Ayylmao13pp - 3
Random crash in MP
#2012 opened by twothe - 1
Double Doors Button Config Feature Request
#2013 opened by supertroopa - 3
[1.20.1] Crying Portals is not compatible with Better Nether
#2014 opened by Niu-se - 0
Collective Version 1.19.2-6.72 causes several other Mods to fail to load
#2015 opened by Fade-Alchemist - 0
Compass GUI shows the negative coordinates incorrectly
#2016 opened by witheredwojak - 1
[Suggestion] Ghast Tears tick delay range
#2017 opened by Cyan4235 - 0
1.20.1 - Stuck Spawning 1 type of Flower ``Silent Gems Rose Peridot`` when using ``collective-1.20.1-6.72.jar`` and ``randombonemealflowers-1.20.1-4.3.jar``
#2018 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 1
[Suggestion] Villager death message chat config
#2019 opened by SebSemos - 0
Village Spawn Point compat with Biome Spawn Point seems broken
#2020 opened by SettingDust - 0
Cobweb not breaking if not fully in the cobweb
#2021 opened by surgeflame - 1
Blacklist for flower mimics
#2022 opened by Sunconure11 - 2
[Difficulty Lock] Harcore locking as an option
#2023 opened by MetalKnight56 - 4
Stackrefill bug on multiplayer server (including video link)
#2024 opened by CuNe89 - 0
Double Doors Support For Supplementaries Gold and Netherite doors.
#2025 opened by WildFyr16 - 2
Please remove NeoForge Tag
#2028 opened by TarantelTM - 1
Prevent Mobs From Sitting On Blocks
#2029 opened by Moozipan - 1
Used to be able to sneak to do default/vanilla behavior of opening just one door/trap/gate, can't anymore?
#2030 opened by HatTrkPatrk - 1
All villagers have the same 3 names
#2031 opened by HatTrkPatrk - 1
Question about Pet Names and Villager Names mod.
#2032 opened by Minebrah - 1
Anvil Restoration Dispenser Support
#2033 opened by Sweek9 - 1
[Suggestion] Using nbt on the blacklist
#2034 opened by crebid - 2
Player Tracking compass config?
#2035 opened by OneCrazyD - 5
Biome Spawn Point - No flooded caves at spawn?
#2036 opened by generikb - 3
double gates
#2037 opened by s4sutler100 - 1
Bugs with Aether mods
#2038 opened by minecraftscy - 6
game crashes when loading world with random village names
#2039 opened by Zer0c00L6981 - 4
GUI Clock & GUI Compass incompatibility with Auto HUD
#2040 opened by Crendgrim - 1
[Villager Names] Bug Causes Server Crash - java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: femalenames
#2041 opened by skeddles - 1
Mod Incompatibility - Simply Swords manual still spawns at character creation
#2042 opened by MLMII - 0
Even if you are grabby, you should always drop what you grab when you die.
#2043 opened by bshuler - 1
Villagers do not show with names.
#2044 opened by Andy608 - 1
Fall though slime
#2045 opened by Acat1234 - 1
Starter Structure Dimensional Config
#2047 opened by dreckz - 0
GiantSpawn AI doesn't use follow_range attribute (or is broken). Also Villagers are not scared of them (they should)
#2046 opened by lumagatto