- 2
Crash with the /omegamute listen command when Sounds mod is enabled
#2163 opened by BlueJayofEvil - 2
Difficulty button on New World screen always disabled no matter the configuration
#2164 opened by vico93 - 2
glass panes get deleted when right clicking a double door to open it
#2148 opened by inikishev - 0
Lobotomized mob
#2149 opened by TigrottoL9 - 1
Recast : Recast behaves strangely
#2150 opened by TwelveYO21 - 1
Improved Sign Editing should work with hanging signs
#2151 opened by Simplebenja - 1
collective-1.12.2-3.0 have leaked
#2152 opened by Routersan - 1
Randomized messages
#2153 opened by ClaudioSchmidt - 1
World Border and Vanilla World Border
#2155 opened by ZEROX7 - 2
Broadcast first join message
#2154 opened by Crystal-Spider - 1
Mineral Chance: Add Gold, Iron, Copper ores;
#2156 opened by OutbackCatgirl - 1
Spawn killer rabbits
#2157 opened by The-SY - 2
[Areas] Define precise areas with coordinates
#2158 opened by Jawzper - 1
Persistent Leaves Count as Part of a Tree when Harvesting
#2159 opened by SealTheTiel - 1
Hide Hands: Unhide while item is in use.
#2160 opened by TrueCyberAxe - 1
Prevent grass growth when bonemealing (Random Bone Meal mod)
#2161 opened by bloodmasked - 0
New side-mod suggestion: Ore Redistribution
#2162 opened by OutbackCatgirl - 1
Uses material instead of chest
#2184 opened by SkylordBrebro - 1
bugs/problems with versions 20.2 and 20.4
#2165 opened by coyotteslayer - 2
Adding Fortune effect to "Configurable Extra Mob Drops"
#2166 opened by Appleson3 - 2
Add translation files to Pumpkillager's Quest
#2169 opened by zc1108aaa - 0
Named zombies will be burned to death
#2167 opened by zc1108aaa - 4
nly when the pickaxe is not enchanted can it have an effect
#2168 opened by zc1108aaa - 1
[Areas] Traveler's Titles Intergration
#2170 opened by MoonstruckDev - 1
Bug and giant name
#2171 opened by 0KratosGamer - 0
Repaircost not fixed with bows. Works with swords for example. Singleplayer AND multiplayer, fabric 0.15.3, minecraft 1.20.1, minimal mods.
#2172 opened by Jergenbergen - 1
mineral chance skyblock
#2173 opened by N-10K - 1
Valhesia Structures Cut oak post incompatibility.
#2174 opened by 1IKing - 1
Make the giant use the zombie sound like was added and removed in the 1.14 snapshot
#2175 opened by SvveetMavis - 1
respawndelay: prevent players from passing through walls
#2176 opened by Miloxium - 1
better disruptions
#2177 opened by Nathanos2256 - 0
my dogs dont teleport when i use waystones?
#2178 opened by yossilion - 1
Mod: Zombie Horse Spawn: Do the zombie horses spawn tamed? Are they rideable?
#2179 opened by skeddles - 2
Does Infinite Trading remove demand?
#2180 opened by clmc99 - 0
Healing Campfire: Regen inside radius of Campfire won't work.
#2181 opened by nikita0061 - 1
Bug with woodwalkers
#2183 opened by Natedogwoooof - 1
Compatibility with other shield mods
#2182 opened by Facundo-Guarnier - 2
Slowness instead of damage when riding bareback
#2185 opened by AlexanderwithaA - 1
Curse Of vanishing Conflict with Your items are safe
#2186 opened by leonx132 - 3
Save and Load Inventories: instead of saving it in a single folder, save it per player
#2187 opened by JackLiang12 - 1
Make villager open double door instead of just one
#2188 opened by Jemy191 - 1
Recipe Book - Persistent Inventory Search
#2189 opened by Typhonidite - 1
Configurable effect choice
#2190 opened by PaperfishStudios - 1
Toggle options for Advancement Screenshot
#2191 opened by JackDotJS - 2
Newline and Quotations Support
#2192 opened by Billnotic - 0
First Join Message Doesn't Handle Quotation Marks Well
#2193 opened by Billnotic - 1
Starter Kit not working
#2194 opened by leonx132 - 1
Set world spawn point config not working(1.19.2)
#2195 opened by blockgoblin31 - 2
Exception Ticking World Modrinth
#2196 opened by Driestcombee - 2
Set World Spawn Point - server side only or required on client?
#2197 opened by katubug