- 1
Double doors don't door doubly
#2340 opened by jarbarsi - 0
New Mod Idea or Branch Off of "Superflat World No Slimes"
#2341 opened by Popprockets - 1
No Recepie
#2342 opened by YahMooBoo324000 - 4
Starter Structure could spawn structure in other Dimension
#2343 opened by MoGoldenFish - 1
Placing a melon/pumpkin next to farmland and breaking it changes the block underneath the melon/pumpkin to farmland
#2344 opened by ildiem - 1
Items with no durability cannot be combined in an anvil, enchantments on these items cannot be combined either
#2345 opened by icehorse2401 - 2
DoubleDoors Not Working anymore / Server doesnt crash just the double doors isnt working now (Incompatibility)
#2346 opened by Semajjjj - 1
Custom Credits: Add ability to edit the "Copyright Mojang AB. Do not distribute!" text on the main menu
#2334 opened by SimplyTadpole - 0
Mod does not screenshot when the screenshots folder is a symlink
#2335 opened by Djihads80 - 3
New mod idea!
#2336 opened by VillainVibe - 1
Game crashes due to GUI Compass format settings
#2347 opened by TonyAki - 4
1.20.6 (Stack Refill) Random Crashing
#2348 opened by DrSkywalker - 1
Cannot combine enchanted items in an anvil
#2337 opened by icehorse2401 - 3
OmegaMute seems to be not working after update to 1.20.6
#2338 opened by PukPukov - 6
Just mob heads crash, off screen
#2339 opened by Voidmaster01 - 0
Overlapping areas with the same name still show enter/leave messages if the line breaks on their signs are not consistent
#2364 opened by kittymmeow - 0
Villagers Open Only One Door
#2365 opened by Fyoncle - 1
Different healing campfire settings not working properly
#2349 opened by Jadan1213 - 2
[Name Tag Tweaks] Error loading mod
#2351 opened by WalkerWilder - 1
Crash - Arenas 1.20.6-5.7 on Fabric calls GUI code
#2350 opened by TigerWalts - 1
Zombie Villager Crashes Server
#2352 opened by TheWanderingTrader - 3
doors not staying open
#2353 opened by heavytfc - 2
beautified chat client doesn't effect chat
#2354 opened by chrismji - 0
The recipe for crafting wool into string isn't working.
#2355 opened by sanciyuandehundan - 3
[1.20.5+] Name tags dropped don't work
#2356 opened by donottellmetonottellyou - 5
Trading, workstation, price unchanged
#2357 opened by zc1108aaa - 0
#2358 opened by zc1108aaa - 1
[1.20.6] [Neoforge] Crash on lauch
#2359 opened by ffuentesm - 1
GUI Compass 4.6 (NeoForge) Crashes server
#2360 opened by smmmadden - 0
VillagerNames Wandering trader config toggle
#2361 opened by Reava - 0
[World Border] Wrapping only on X coord
#2382 opened by Farix2 - 2
Ore harvester mod crash on startup
#2383 opened by Drakamos - 0
Ore nearby locator
#2366 opened by AndiLeni - 0
Days Played can't be disabled
#2367 opened by QwertRvg - 1
Structure biome spawning
#2368 opened by Thunderrock424242 - 1
Crash when picking up blank player head
#2369 opened by NoxyNixie - 0
Paxel Compat
#2370 opened by MisterZam - 0
Replanting Crops: Vein Mining possible?
#2371 opened by WimpieRatte - 0
Restore original respawn point config option. Distance config option.
#2372 opened by Darkona - 0
[What Durability] Disable Unbreaking and Mending when the mod is installed
#2373 opened by Desempregago - 0
Visible World Border/teleport issue/set middle point of world border
#2375 opened by NikNesNN - 2
Nametags named using /nametag can not be used. (1.20.6/1.20.5)
#2374 opened by ForestMinecraft - 1
Crash when collect Player Head
#2376 opened by SgtKaneki - 0
Just Mob Heads compatibility with Tinkers Construct
#2377 opened by ThinkingBeanz - 1
Harvester mod does not work on Realms
#2378 opened by Zooluplays - 1
Villager Names and Guard Villager crash on world creation
#2379 opened by NolanHewitt - 1
Add compatibility for Veinminer
#2380 opened by sternschnaube - 1
Armadillo and Wolf Variants Don't Drop Heads
#2381 opened by Puls0r1 - 1
Slimes still spawn on superflat 1.19,2
#2384 opened by mapyDayton22 - 0
bigger nether portals?
#2385 opened by Leafrmao