Heart of the Machine

Heart of the Machine


Portal connectivity sould be based on biome

Kneelawk opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Currently, when a player enters a Nectere portal, they're just teleported to the same location, at the top of generated terrain, in the exit dimension.

The goal is to have each biome in the Nectere dimension have a different coordinate multiplier. Nectere portals should generate at the corresponding locations based on the Nectere-side biome-based coordinate multiplier.


I was looking into doing this with StructureFeatures alone, but it seems that is not possible because they do not have access to other dimensions when determining where to generate.

The current plan is to have a regular feature generate BlockEntities that check the correct conditions and then replace themselves with a portal in both the Nectere and non-Nectere dimension. When they generate, they will notify the world that there is a Nectere Portal structure there so that the /locate command works correctly.


This is related to #7.


I found another way to do this which essentially just uses regular Features when not in the Nectere dimension, then using a Decorator that can calculate the position of a portal in the Nectere dimension and place the portal Feature in the non-Nectere dimension accordingly.