Hearth Well

Hearth Well


Neither JSON nor CraftTweaker seems to recognize damage data

DestinyPlayer opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Specifically, I am trying to do things such as adding Puller recipes for nuclearcraft:ore:5 and Tube recipes for things like libvulpes:ore0:8 and other such things. The problem being, neither block seems to recognize the damage number, neither in the json file with "data":8, nor in CraftTweaker via regular :8. Am I doing something wrong?

In addition, it doesn't seem like the CT Puller recipes work period, even with blocks that aren't damage-based.

Here's my CT file - https://paste.dimdev.org/ucogitelef.xml
Here's my hwell_recipes.json file - https://paste.dimdev.org/owiceyuwoy.json

Edit: finally remembered the proper name for the thing.


Whats the behaviour? Is the data simply ignored?


Yes. It shows up correctly in JEI, but the actual process assumes all of them as input, and utilizes the first of them as output. That way, every single nuclearcraft:ore block, no matter the data, gets turned into Copper Ore, regardless of what it's supposed to be data-wise.


Additional bug: the Heat Furnace also has issues with these data bits. I just threw in two tin dusts, and ended up with two copper ingots instead.


Seems that its fixed.