Heat And Climate Lib

Heat And Climate Lib


[Doubt] Where's the maven repo?

gatoborrachon opened this issue ยท 3 comments


sorry for the noob question, i looked at the README.md but i can't find the maven repo, where is it supposed to be?


Maven server is not available. (They are provided by each modder at their own expense, so I don't have them. This project has no income.)

HaCLib has a deobf version for developers. (HeatAndClimateLib_1.12.2-X.X.X_dev.jar.)
It can be introduced into the development environment in the same way as before 1.7.10.
Also, HaCMod does not have a deobf version package, but it can be installed as a library as well. (It's not a deobf version, so it only contains class files.)


(I will add it just in case.) It is a commentary article on my site about how to introduce mod to the development environment without using maven. This method is the one I usually use.

This is an article written in Japanese, so please use Google Translate etc.



many thanks, i will look it