Duplication bug through Dog Talents Mod's puppy and Heat And Climate Mod's containers NBT hack
RisingInIris2017 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Environment And Mod Information:
- Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
- Forge Version:
- Doggy Talents Version: DoggyTalents-1.12.2-
- Heat And Climate Lib Version: 3.3.3
- Heat And Climate Mod Version: 3.3.8
Steps to reproduce:
- Take a Doggy Talents puppy, give it Pack Puppy skill.
- Take one type of containers from HAC. I have tested all kind of Lowchests, Wallshellves and Three types of HAC chests:
Villagers' Chest, Steel Chest and Magnet Chest.
For this experiment, 2 container from any one type above is enough. - Fill one of the containers with the item you want to duplicate, spare the other.
- Give the empty one to the puppy.
- Then, Give the filled one to the puppy.
- Take the two containers out of the puppy's inventory.
- Open them, and find that two containers are filled with the same items.
- If you do the 5th step before the 4th step, you will get 2 empty containers and lose the items in the filled one.
Additional Information:
I will post the same issue to Doggy Talents Mod too: percivalalb/DoggyTalents#249
But I think it necessary to post this issue here, because this issue is only seen with that Mod's containers now.
Thanks in advance for your kind-hearted help.