- 3
Hope to add a tooltip for shitirin(七輪)
#6 opened by TartaricAcid - 2
Crash Error at defeatedcrow.hac.
#11 opened by ACIIL - 4
crash v1.3.8
#13 opened by ACIIL - 5
aquiring viscera
#15 opened by ACIIL - 5
Recipe issue with Mekanism
#20 opened by AileRozy - 1
crash MC 1.12.1/Forge2541 of existing world
#21 opened by JasonKillsUs - 2
crash on startup "HeatAndClimateMod_1.12.2-2.1.1, MC 1.12.2 Forge_2566
#22 opened by JasonKillsUs - 1
Zinc Recipe issue with Mekanism [HeatAndClimateMod-1.10.2-1.6.4]
#23 opened by AileRozy - 3
#24 opened by wachiki - 7
Induction motor
#26 opened - 2
[1.12] ClassNotFoundException on BlockOres2's getDrops
#27 opened by bafomdad - 2
Cheese production
#29 opened - 3
IPlantable seeds
#30 opened - 2
Making cream from Milk/Milk Bag required new/perfect mortar
#31 opened by chrisshoes - 1
obtaining iron is op
#32 opened by captcookie - 2
"world setting" config not working as it should?
#33 opened by SniperHauss89 - 1
#34 opened by 2z6c - 2
About world generation and lags
#36 opened by DLumina - 2
[Advice]Would u pls make a separation between the part of 'HeatAndClimate' and the part of 'AppleMilkTea‘
#38 opened by 333mhz - 4
Craft Tweaker Support
#40 opened by AdaraChristine - 0
HeatAndClimate Mod running on SpongeForge cause the Mod's item problem
#39 opened by MoeShimaKaze - 0
Placeable Food drop 2x item on left click
#41 opened by Glease