


Relay bug

bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Linking two wisps to a relay then allowing only the wisp with more media than the other wisp to transfer media with the relay will drain the wisps media pool into somewhere that is not the other wisp. How much media is drained seems to be dependent on the other wisps media pool. If the wisp with less media is linked to the relay first, everything works as expected.
How I replicated this bug:

  1. Place relay.
  2. Place wisp1 with int limit media pool
  3. Place wisp2 with 100 media pool
  4. Link wisp1 and wisp2 to the relay.
  5. Allow wisp1 to transfer media with index 0 (link with relay)
  6. Wisp1 will deplete media rapidly (I am sure of everything up to this part) until it has 100 media and then standard upkeep costs (What seems to be happening to me)
    Seems like the relay acts as a wisp2 and wisp1 tries to balance its media with it, however the media goes nowhere. This is showed when we repeat the bug but with two int limit media pool wisps. The wisp doesn't drain or if it does drains very little.
    P.S. Sorry for the 2006 video quality

This bug occurred on the 1.19.2 0.2.19 version.


This is the crash one gets if trying to pick up the relay with the NBT data after the bug has been done.
Not sure if this is caused by the bug or some other issue but might be worth taking a look at. https://pastebin.com/BSquk7Kq