


One more relay bug

bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz opened this issue ยท 0 comments


In certain cases which I haven't been able to figure out successfully yet, this bug has occurred:

  1. Four wisps linked to a relay, media transfer isn't allowed. Allowing media transfer on only one wisp will immediately subsume the wisp into energy. This will happen on each allow media transfer until only two wisps are left, then it will stop. How it happened: 3 100 media pool wisps linked to a relay, one int limit media pool wisp linked to a relay. 1 100 media pool wisp allowed to transfer media -> subsumed. Another -> subsumed. The third 100 media pool wisp allowed to transfer -> expected behavior.
    Another case of this happening:
  2. Four 100 media pool wisps allowed media transfer and 1 int limit media pool wisp disallowed media transfer linked to a relay. Once the int limit wisp has been allowed media transfer, all the other wisps will be subsumed except one.
    Note: Doesn't seem to happen if instead of an int limit wisp I summon a 10000 media pool wisp.
    1.19.2 0.2.19 version