Hex Casting

Hex Casting


[Request] Config to disable spawning with the book on first join

NielsPilgaard opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hi there \o

I'd like to request a config option for not spawning with the Hex Casting book when you join a world for the first time. I find it can be a bit overwhelming if you get a lot of stuff straight off the bat.

I hope you'll consider it :D


You can do it with a datapack... enough people have asked for this I should probably just make the datapack for you, so you can stick it in your world folder if you like.

I have it given on world load just because I can't think of a better way to point players towards geodes.


Alright thanks - Would this do the trick? ๐Ÿ˜„


Maybe? Datapacks aren't my strong suit. I would do it by replacing the pools table with an empty list here: https://github.com/gamma-delta/HexMod/blob/main/Common/src/main/resources/data/hexcasting/loot_tables/grant_patchi_book.json

But whatever works, I guess. Try it out and see.


It works \o/

This approach should save an onTick listener as I understand it, that's always nice.


Hello, sorry for posting on an old thread but I tried the above link and used that to make a datapack, the path is \data\hexcasting\loot_tables\grant_patchi_book.json When I spawn into the world however I still get the book. Any help?