Hex Casting

Hex Casting


Somehow set internal pigment to air

GameGuruGreenGryphon opened this issue ยท 6 comments



Minecraft: 1.18.2
Forge: 40.1.74
Hex: Commit c5c7b30
Paucal: Commit e4cddd4

What happened

Started my survival world, internal pigment was not set and appeared white.
Updated Hex to commit c5c7b30, from commit ee05eb1.
Setting my pigment to hexcasting:dye_colorizer_green set the apparent pigment to magenta, unable to be changed further.
Using /data get entity @p ForgeData.hexcasting:colorizer reveals that the id used for the colorizer is minecraft:air, instead of a colorizer item name.
Creating a new world and setting the internal pigment works as intended.



I've had a similar issue within 0.9.1 at least, changing dimensions has a chance to have the sentinel disappear entirely. It's location is still there, just not visually. Resummoning it shows it as solid white.


@PhantomEnderium that is happening on the Forge version?

The bug should still be happening in 0.9.4 because I don't think we've touched that code

@yrsegal this smells like a capability serialization issue, could you take a look at it?


@PhantomEnderium that is happening on the Forge version?

The bug should still be happening in 0.9.4 because I don't think we've touched that code

@yrsegal this smells like a capability serialization issue, could you take a look at it?

forge version yes. haven't really tested it in 0.9.4, but assuming it's still happening


if it's on forge, that doesn't make sense for it to be cap serialization, since it's... well, not a cap

i'd say this is probably fixed in 0.9.4 at least for what Phantom is experiencing? Not certain what the original issue is about


Sorry for necro'ing this, but I just downloaded the mod today to try it out on a server with a friend and I can report that the same thing happened to me, verified with the data get command someone posted in here. On 0.9.4 Forge. Can provide modlist and logs if needed


Appears to be fixed, see #270.