Hex Casting

Hex Casting


[Suggestion] Floating hexes

ronondex2009 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


If it was possible to have a sort of glowing, floating, bobbing-up-and-down hex pattern in the air would be amazing. That's about it, even better, if it was possible to take a piece of amethyst dust and write onto it sort of like a scroll, "forming" it into a hex pattern that would be place-able in the world, floating and perhaps creating particles that float down from the hex while it floats.


imagine if you could steal all the hexes someone currently has written by getting the position of their hex and using scribes refl


For the record, you can read patterns out of scroll entities with ... don't remember the name off the top of my head, Scribe's Purification?


Imagine if you could move while casting
And rou could interact with scrolls to immediately execute their hex if they were dusted with amethyst


Or even a "copy/paste" hex pattern from scroll would be nice


sounds like a great addon idea ! ( might do it in hexgloop )