Hex Casting

Hex Casting


Medium Scrolls pop off wall when loaded

Zonofv opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I play on forge 1.19.2 with the up to date version of Hex Casting, as well as Create 1.19.2 version H. When I load into the world the medium scrolls I have on my walls pop off into items, small scrolls and large scrolls are unaffected. This does not appear to be affected by what direction they face. Medium scrolls also pop off walls when the chunks they're in are unloaded and reloaded. However when reloading chunks it is not guaranteed that all medium scrolls will pop off, even if they're in the same chunk.


Figured I'd ping this issue again, I'm having it on the current version as well. This also happens when we reload our server, and it happens with specific scrolls over and over.

Whats interesting is that its more common with walls of many scrolls, usually around medium scrolls, but not exclusively medium scrolls. When you attempt to replace the scroll, the item appears to be removed from your inventory, but it is not placed on that wall - however, if you press q, or open an inventory other than the E inventory, the scroll is thrown/reappears in the slot.

To work around this, we shoot an arrow at the lefthand edge of the scrolls, which seems to kill the "ghost scroll" that no one can see, and then place the scroll again. What's interesting, especially in the case of medium scrolls, is that this usually actually kills the scroll to the left of the scroll shot, even though the arrow does not hit the scroll in question. When that scroll disappears, it drops no resource, and has to be re-created. Just "poof". We can get around this by manually destroying the scroll left of the other scroll, but its still intensely annoying.

We have seen this issue come up in regards to small and medium scrolls, but no large scrolls thus far.

Not sure what to do about this, we had a nice little tutorial area with lots of scrolls to teach the basics of hex casting, but every time the server restarts or we leave the area, all the scrolls pop off.


@Zonofv @Voidgale do either of you happen to have a world download or steps we can use to reproduce the bug? anecdotally, i've never seen this happen, which makes it tough to fix