Hex Casting

Hex Casting


[1.19.2] Place block doesn't respect look height

gchpaco opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Context: I build a lot like this.

2023-06-08_21 23 47

This involves a lot of upside down stair placement, with varying faces I'm looking at. I was trying to write a hex to do it for me, as a baby step I wanted it to do build-to-me like DW20's Building Gadgets can. I cannot get it to respect the height I'm watching.


Take a stair block.

2023-06-08_21 26 40

Mark a location to place it.

2023-06-08_21 26 50

I'm using a hexal macro here but it's just Mind's, Compass, Mind's, Alidade, Archers, Mind's Compass, Mind's, Alidade, Architect's, Addition.

Face upward.

2023-06-08_21 26 59

Place it.

2023-06-08_21 27 07

By vanilla placement rules, that stair block should have been upside down (because I'm looking at the underside of a block) but it isn't.


does place block respect general look direction ? if so then it should be standardized one way or the other. Otherwise I wouldn't expect it to use the look direction at all, since that'd be strange behavior for something like a circle to change how it places based on your look direction.

if you're on fabric you could use https://modrinth.com/mod/hexkinetics for rotating the block into the direction you want.


it does account for look direction - Steve made a bedrock breaker at one point which uses that behaviour.