Hex Casting

Hex Casting


Cannot read null from empty scrolls/slates

Dwal32s opened this issue ยท 4 comments


You cannot use Scribe's Reflection to read Null from empty scrolls or slates.

This is inconsistent with how spellbooks and foci work, as both allow players to read Null from their empty forms.
While scrolls and slates are not exactly the same as those other two, they are essentially the same thing when dealing with individual pattern iotas and thus should function similarly to spellbooks and foci.

Changing this would allow for easier slate writing, such as with an individual pattern copier/eraser artifact, instead of separating the artifact into an eraser and a copier.

2023-11-24_03 18 32


alright, implemented that according to the desired specs now


Couldn't reproduce on the latest version, but that was because during the port I accidentally made it return Null for all items, regardless of whether they were ever readable. so, fixed that, and am making scrolls and slates default to returning Null


@Talia-12 Resolution from Discord: (@Alwinfy fyi)

  • Auditor's should return true if and only if the item is a container that has had an iota written to it.
  • Scribe's Reflection should mishap if and only if Auditor's returns false.
  • "Contains NULL" and "empty" should be distinct states.
  • All iota-holding items should behave like this, including slates and scrolls.
Auditor Assessor Result
false false non-container
false true empty container
true false sealed written container
true true unsealed written container
* Auditor's should return true _if and only if_ the item is a container that has had an iota written to it.

N.B. "had an iota written to it" is overly specific; there are "const" containers such as the pumpkin pie