Hex Casting

Hex Casting


Generate patterns for newly added great spells after initial world generation

dashkal16 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


At present, if a new great spell is added (new addon, updated version, etc) the new great spell does not get a pattern generated.

The work-around for now is that an operator must run /hexcasting recalcPatterns which regenerates the entire great spell pattern cache.

This comes with some minor risk. If the algorithm is preturbed in a Hex Casting update, or if somehow the overworld's seed changed, this will change the patterns of existing spells.

While admittedly a minor risk, it is a risk and perhaps we shouldn't just automatically run the logic behind the above command.

Instead, on startup, if any great spells exist for which we do not yet have patterns, simply generate those patterns and add them to the cache incrementally.