Hex Casting

Hex Casting


Casting sound gets repeated for each pattern evaluated by a meta-evaluation or macro

Twisted-Code opened this issue · 5 comments


While playing with @walksanatora's test pack, I noticed that if I used Hermes on a list or drew a Hexal Macro, I would hear what sounded like a copy of the initial sound for each pattern in the list being executed. For instance, if I used Hermes to execute something 15 patterns long, I would hear Hermes Gambit's sound 15 times + The initial pattern. The same would happen with Macros, except it would be the standard casting zap sound that gets repeated.

Just executing 100 Nullary Reflections was enough that I'm glad I pulled my headset off my ears before trying it😬.

(Edit: Also I hope you're okay with the ping Walks, since your pack was mentioned)


questioning if this is a bug. you're executing 15 patterns + the Hermes gambit? so it makes sense to make 15+1 noises?


An audio comparison between 1.19 and 1.20 would be helpful.


dw I am subscribed to all actions on hexcasting anyways (so I would have known anyways)


Wasn't this fixed in c6612c5? Probably should test in-game.