Hex Casting

Hex Casting


Colorizer's luminance affects transparency on settings that aren't Fabulous

GameGuruGreenGryphon opened this issue ยท 3 comments



Minecraft 1.18.2
Forge: 40.0.34 and 40.0.45
Hex: minor-patterns branch commit b89d2b3 "maybe fix particles rendering through walls"
Paucal: main branch commit 92990a8 "[Release] Make headpatting less janky"


This is the black pigment that I'm showing off in this screenshot.
A colorizer's luminance is directly tied to how transparent the colors look on fast and fancy graphics settings, rather than how bright the color actually is.
This affects every single colorizer in the game that isn't fully luminant. Colorizers that would normally be pretty are slightly to very transparent and lacking their color.


this is not true for all computers, mind


yeah given this is a zillion years old and it's weird rendering BS i'm going to close it, mostly cause i have no idea how one would fix it and we've changed that code since.


This was half-fixed by 8cbcea2

I have NO idea how to fix the other half. I'm gonna see if willie does