High-Speed Rail

High-Speed Rail


Config "Question"

Darkerowl opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Sorry to put question here I dont know where else to put it.

I wrote this out inside your json5 config and I wonder will it work and I wrote a area for speed min and max but I feel it wont work in the current form and I have nothing set to why min and max rail speed or events that will cause it to go down and up or if it's even possible? Going slower up slopes and faster down hills would add to the immersion of the mod.



// List of blocks and how they affect a train travelling on top. cartSpeed is in blocks-per-second "interal max BPS.
// BPS max speed not labeled (0,inf)"? - private double maxSpeed = VANILLA_MAX_SPEED; maybe?
// Changed 061823 by Darkerowl I Code referenced the mod [trailblazer] code for symbols to space from each block and speed.
//template: },{"blockId": "minecraft:(name)","cartSpeed": (value),
"blocks": [
"blockId": "minecraft:gravel",
"cartSpeed": 40
"blockId": "minecraft:grass",
"cartSpeed": 15
"blockId": "minecraft:dirt",
"cartSpeed": 15
"blockId": "minecraft:diamond",
"cartSpeed": 80
"blockId": "minecraft:stone",
"cartSpeed": 18
"blockId": "minecraft:planks",
"cartSpeed": 5
"blockId": "minecraft:sand",
"cartSpeed": 25
"blockId": "minecraft:sandstone",
"cartSpeed": 30
"blockId": "minecraft:packed_ice",
"cartSpeed": "50,100",
"maxSpeed": 100,
"minSpeed": 50

// Code asked for ( " ) instead of ( ' ) ,use of double quotes above and single quotes Bellow had me stumped to weather which one is okay to use or not so I changed it to match above. -Darkerowl
// Whether a speedometer should be displayed when you get in a minecart.
// The mod must be installed on the client for this to work.
"isSpeedometerEnabled": true,

// Whether the 'true' speed should also be displayed on the speedometer.  The deafult speedometer just shows your
// approximate speed; this precisely measures distance travelled every tick.  It's more resource-intensive
// and also flickers sort of annoyingly, so disabled by default.  There's usually not much difference, anyway.
"isTrueSpeedometerEnabled": false,

// Whether Vanilla ice boats should be allowed.  Set to 'false' to limit ice boats to ground speed; 'true'
// The mod must be installed on the client for this to work.
"isIceBoatsEnabled": false



Sorry but I'm not sure I understand what the request is here.