Historicized Medicine

Historicized Medicine


Implement some new features later on

Sunconure11 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Once some nasty bugs have been ironed out, add a few new features, while the dev works on getting his motivation back.


New herbs for usage in medicine:

St. John's Wort
Toothache Plant
Bitter Melon
Jesuits Bark

Seeds/equivalent would be obtained via trade


New medicines:

Penicillin: Stops most forms of infections
Soap: Adds an effect that prevents the lingering effects of plague + other infections for a period of time. Only works if you are in a body of water. Can be scented to apply a small potion effect, as well.
Plague Vaccine: Renders a player immune to the effects of the plague, but does not stop any current infections.
Lyme Disease Vaccine: Renders a player immune to the effects of lyme disease, but does not stop any current infections.
Super Bug Vaccine: Assuming you don't die before this, this vaccine renders a player immune to the effects of the super bug, but does not stop any current infections.
Malaria Vaccine: Renders you immune to malaria, but does not stop any ongoing infections.

New infections (wonderful):

Some kind of worm-based infection? Tapeworms? Hookworms?
Lyme Disease
Super Bug: Rare, rare spawn, worse than the plague, harder to combat, immune to vaccines and penicillin.
Ticks: Random chance from grass, though it can be dealt with. However, leaving it untreated may cause random damage, and lead to possibly lyme disease.

New Mobs:

Giant Ticks: Spawn in most biomes, rather slow, spread lyme disease upon attacking. They will be slow, but incredibly stealthy, and would be invisible until within a few blocks of a player or other meal.

Guinea Fowl: Spawn in savannahs, keeps ticks and spiders at bay. Behavior-wise, think neutral, swarming chickens.

Mosquitoes: Spawns in swamps, jungles, savannas, and a variety of other tropical biomes, they can spread malaria to the player.

Config options:

Options to turn off various diseases
Options to turn mobs on and off
Other stuff here


Major bugs have been ironed out, start working on new content in September.


Rare bug located, deal with that and possibly others before toying around with new content.


Next update content:

Leech culture
Fleam, use on yourself to extract blood into a jar. Has a chance of giving infection. Players and mobs stabbed with it will get the bleeding debuff, plus a possibility of infection.
Jar, for storing your annelid friends
Bring back as many incomplete features as possible