Follow up on Issue #37 - Nomadic Tents + Hourglass
DJGunn opened this issue · 3 comments
I'm developing a survival themed modpack for a dedicated server and I would like Nomadic Tents & Hourglass to be prominent features of the curated experience, but we also have mods that increase difficulty over time and passing two days doubles the difficulty increase while two days passing damages the immersion of the pack.
Do we have any ideas on if this is a fixable issue? Is there anything that could be done to help? I've posted the issue on the Nomadic Tents Discord as well, and hoping that perhaps we could work together to get a fix rolled out, if possible :>
Thanks for your time, selfless hard work and dedication! <3
Thanks for the nudge, the assistance, and the support. I'll take a closer look at this issue this week into the weekend. 👍