Human Companions

Human Companions


Allow Human Companions to attack all Raiders, beyond vanilla Minecraft ones

Calculus-Master opened this issue ยท 1 comments


This was brought up to my regarding my mod that adds more Raiders - the Human Companions won't attack modded Raiders. I believe this is because in CompanionData class, the targets for the Human Companion mobs are hardcoded for all vanilla Minecraft hostile creatures.

Maybe a simple fix, would be to include the Raider.class in the array for it?

public static Class<?>[] alertMobs = new Class<?>[]{ Blaze.class, CaveSpider.class, Drowned.class, ElderGuardian.class, EnderMan.class, Endermite.class, Evoker.class, Ghast.class, Giant.class, Guardian.class, Hoglin.class, Husk.class, Illusioner.class, MagmaCube.class, Phantom.class, Pillager.class, Shulker.class, Silverfish.class, Skeleton.class, Slime.class, Spider.class, Stray.class, Vex.class, Vindicator.class, Witch.class, WitherSkeleton.class, Zoglin.class, Zombie.class, ZombieVillager.class, ZombifiedPiglin.class, Raider.class };


Done in version 1.5.1