Issues with right clicking?
squeek502 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
From MCF:
we have found a bug on our server running on native forge with infitech2v316 modpack without any changes.
If we have planted some e.g. carrots and then harvested it with right click, eating something or use of buckets is blocked now. Can you check this out please ? It seems to be fixed if we remove hunger overhaul but that should not be the target..
using "right-click-to-harvest = true" along with "doDaylightCycle = false" or any mod that effectively freezes the game timer breaks all the things, i took a peak at the hungeroverhaul code awhile back and it's because there's some trickery/round-about-way of single-click-harvesting that's been done.
disable the click to harvest, or temporarily set doDaylightCycle to true, and then back to false again to progress the game clock long enough to exit the hungeroverhaul loop.
also, if you do one of the things, and it works, let us know. (i'm pretty sure either of those solutions will work)
Should have actually been fixed by #104. Need to get a new version released with the fix included. Will try to do that soon.
Possible duplicate of #87, which still needs to be looked into more.