Hunger Overhaul

Hunger Overhaul


regrowthMultiplier config options don't allow decimals

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After setting cropRegrowthMultiplier to 2.8, it was overwritten with the default after launching minecraft. If I hadn't been configuring my pack inside of a git repo I wouldn't have noticed it.

Gist for bash log from my git repo. No real way that I know of to collect more evidence. Happens with HO and Pam installed alone, overwrite occurs during initialization phase 1 of forge's loading thing, I assume during HO's initialization. Using HungerOverhaul-1.7.10-1.0.0 and Pam's HarvestCraft 1.7.10j, Applecore 1.1.0.


All the regrowth modifier options only take integers. That's what's causing this.

Leaving this open because it'd be good to change them to use floats if possible.